Est-ce juste moi ou...

wellahil adeem you make me really want to grab a baseball bat and beat the hell out of you

listen, dudu (my new name for her, its a nice thing in turkish) is gonna beat the crap outta both of us for stuffing up her thread…

so back to est-ce juste moi ou… :unsure:

hahhahahahahhahah ok ok sorry douda ( my new name for her, its a nice thing in darija :open_mouth: )

hhhhhhh mehbouuul

safi, wakha?!

ok marché conclu :stuck_out_tongue:

À mon avis, un forum en français attirerait plus de marocains, ça c’est sure, parce-que au Maroc on y apprend le français, d’habitude, pas l’anglais.

Mais je pense pas qu’on doit changer le forum en anglais. On peut compatibiliser les deux langues, et comme ça chaque un fait son choix. Mais ça marche comme ça, non?

Peut être si vous visez quelques sites en français en faisant publicité… (pas en payant, ça se comprend, plutôt des “visites” de courtoisie des participants francophones…)

Salam 3alaikum.

ooooh mre7ba ouazz … miss u bro
bon a propo du forum en franC … yen a vraimen plusieurs forum du genre et la chose ki ma attiré personelement ds SM c langlai .

welcome back ouazz, you need a whipping so you won’t disappear for that long again! :fouet:

grrrrrrrrrrrr u scared him :s he disappeared again :frowning:

shutup i didn’t

wellah u did :S

is that what he told you?

anyway it was a fake whip, didn’t mean to hurt anyone… sooggghyyy ouazz, now come back :cry2:

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lalla is sayin sorry :stuck_out_tongue: coooooooooooooooooolll gotta note this

hhhhh did you think i was an emotionless boulder???

sara7a ??? yes :S

what was that thing about the thief…

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no no no plz watch ur mouth … i have emotions :stuck_out_tongue: especially when i c hot chicks :smiley:


Get well soon.

btw u still didn’t get my reply in the other thread in russian?

euuuuh which one … nsit :s
gimme d link plz

hhh i forgot which thread it was :S if i find i’ll tell u