Dude, last asked.. please translated this one

vi. A= salut a tous nasse li baghin ikmlo formation TS Genie civil f centre ain borja (cour du soir) rah kijm3o f whd grp w allah isahel ela jami.

viii. A= slm lkhout,wahed so2al ila chi hed 3ayat lik galk ji dawaz stage otelba lik tjib ta diplome wach 3adi ola fiha chi mochkil w chokran mosaba9an
B= bgha la classification, cnss. sinon ikhlssak 3la déclaration oykhlas déclaration

ix. A= matlaex lia wax kina chi méthode bach itlae lia f autocad 2016 kina had apps ms maerftx kifax nkhdm biha
B= Convertih L DXF oghadi ithalik bjera

x. A = 9alo lya 3ans takhod diplôme dylak mzyana oui/non

xi. A= ana TDB 3ndi had l3am strong text fin de formations lah ijazjikom li 3ndo chi projet issifto li m3a l métré dyalo 9labt w malgut walo w mcha liya lhl 3la lkhedma dyalo
B= chno khassk exactement

xii. A= Chofo lina had Pc wach ikhdem lina autocad o ch hal taman dyalo.?? Wach khfif flkhdma wla t9il et merci
B= oui ukhdmo 3nd wahd nafs lmowasafat dyalo gha howa dell t9dito b 200dh

xiii. A= khoti chi mosa3ad daroriya kindri nresem had l’arc
B= 3adi 3ndk dok les 2 droits de li tayt9at3o adiri binathoum

xiv. A= na9dar nel9a ch application fhal google maps ms ta3tik plan
B= chi tbrguga cinq cinq

xv. A= 3afakoum xkhoun li dfa3 milf dyalo f branche

xvi. B= sahl akhoya gha 7awl m3ah 7ar9 dmagh chwiya

xvii. B= had ayam kont nezelt cv f wahd groupe u 3aytli wahd moqawil mn rabat, nftch ela nmrto wla 3onwan d charika u nsardk ando
xix. B= li yeqdar ye3ti info howa li darb f domine
xx. salam khasni chu attachement

letter with bold i ve not known…

nasse li baghin ikmlo … people who wants to continue
rah kijm3o. … they are forming
so2al ila… question if
3ayat lik galk ji dawaz…he called you to come to pass
otelba lik tjib… they told you to bring
3adi… normal
mosaba9an… In advance
bgha… he wants
ikhlssak… he will pay you
oykhlas… The payment
matlaex lia wax kina chi…if it didn’t pop up is there a
itlae lia…to Pop up
Kina… there is
maerftx… I don’t know
oghadi ithalik bjera… it will open
9alo lya 3ans takhod diplôme dylak mzyana… they told me 3years to get your degree, good…
l3am… this year
ijazjikom…bless you
issifto… send it
9labt w malgut … I searched but I found nothing
Chofo lina had … Someone check this
lina… For us
hal taman dyalo… how much is it
t9il… Very slow
lmowasafat… characteristics
kindri… how to
tayt9at3o adiri binathoum…they Cross each other
na9dar nel9a… Maybe I will find
ta3tik… give you
chi tbrguga… some gossiping
dfa3 milf dyalo… deposit his application
sahl akhoya gha 7awl m3ah 7ar9 dmagh chwiya… it’s easy brother, keep pushing and trying, fire up your brain a little
nezelt… uploaded
3aytli…he called me
moqawile… Entrepreneur
nftch ela nmrto… I will search for him phone number
nsardk…I will send you
yeqdar ye3ti… Maybe he will give you
darb…has experience
khasni chu… I need an
Man, that was a lot…
Next time keep it short…
:v: Peace


this is last for me asked… those are my data… i’m very glad for your attention. love you so much… soon i’ll encounter you for big thanks… cheers from singapore