Kaynîn diminoutifîn wla ominatifîn fi-l-darja?
Ok that’s about as much as I can pretend to say in Arabic. Anyway just that, are there diminutive and aumentative forms in Moroccan Arabic? Or standard Arabic?
Shukran bar afâns!
Kaynîn diminoutifîn wla ominatifîn fi-l-darja?
Ok that’s about as much as I can pretend to say in Arabic. Anyway just that, are there diminutive and aumentative forms in Moroccan Arabic? Or standard Arabic?
Shukran bar afâns!
yes there are
For diminutive, it’s often this way: wld = wliyed, bent= bneyta, dreef = dreyef…etc
Aumentatives are often shown in the same word but in a change of accents (if what i understood from “aumentatives” is right!) : like “kbir” we say kbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir :^^:
still not sure about it.
Ah thank you dear Bird! :hat:
Haha, yes aumentatives are the opposite of diminutives; they make something larger So if I say “a small house” can I say deyra? Or only dar sghîr? And a large one - dar kbîr, but is there any form of the word dar for that?
yes, dar = dweyra , in some areas, th eliving room is called dweyra
Shukran bzzaf ya Pweypry
at least you could say “birdie” :hit:
Uhmm. hmm… But you want me to call you “one-under-par”?
my grandmother in fes calls the beit lma “ldouaria” sometimes…did you ever hear of that??! they told me it’s an olllllllld way of referring to the bathroom…
jdati fi fes ayat lbeit lma ‘ldouaria’ mara mara…wach 3mrak sm3ti dak chi?..9alou li hiya 3bara (kalima?) 9adima diyal la toilette…
Maybe ! i don’t know much about Fez, its pssible
in these cases if you say a small house you say: Dar sghira and so for a big one: dar kbira (don’t forget Dar it’s FEMININE :^^: i checked about it. )
in these cases if you say a small house you say: Dar sghira and so for a big one: dar kbira (don’t forget Dar it’s FEMININE :^^: i checked about it. )[/quote]
we’re talking about diminutives, in Darija & Fos7a, we ca, use one word without adjective, to replace “small” (sghir/ra).
Aha, yes, diminutives, when that saves me from knowing the gender of a word :D. But thanks zarahzina for pointing it out
:mdr: it doesn’t save you ! you still have to distinguish masculin from feminin, you can’t say dwiyer, & you’l have to know if that donkey is a male or female to know if you should say 7miyer or 7miyra
does anyone know some more commonly-used diminuitives in darija? and how do we say ‘diminuitive’? llah 7afdkom d’avance
Diminutive in Arabic language science is called : “tasgheer”
some darija examples:
kbeer - kbeyyer
sgheer - sgheyyer or sghewer
klb - leyeb
7mar - 7miyer
kas - kweyes
brrad - bririd
drb - dreyeb or dreyba
war9a - wri9a
dftar - dfitir
bit - bweyyet
sandala - snidila
sbbat - sbibit
farkh - freyekh
farroj - frerej
korsi - krisi
given names: (in names it’s not really diminutive, but just like Kelly - kell’s)
7med - 7mida
3aysha - 3weesha
ma7mood - m7imida
sa3id - swi3id
3omar - 3wimer / 3mimer
3bdallah - 3bdoh
3bd??? - 3bdoh
fatima - fttom
khadija - khddoj
7afsa - 7faysa
lma3ti - m3ayti
pb llah r7am loualdin wy3tik l3azz