desperate ! pls help ?! chokran

Hey , I will leave Morocco on Friday .
And I wanna leave my boyfriend in Darija,
to surprise him. I’d love you forever, if you
helped me :slight_smile: :

You’ve become such a big role in my life.
I never want to lose you, if I’d lose you, I would
lose a part of my life. We know eachother for
8 months now. The time has gone by so fast.
I thank you for playing such a huge role in
my life. If someday we wont be
togther/in a realtionship anymore, I will say
this was my first big love.

And need this to get translated pls :

  • bach tat7asi / bach 7asiti
  • daba ach tatmanai

Thank you so much.

hhhhhhhhhhh i dont need ur love forever :stuck_out_tongue: maybe just for a short time wuahahahha just kiddin :smiley:

You’ve become such a big role in my life. = welliti chi 7aja kbiiiiira f 7yati
I never want to lose you, if I’d lose you, I would
lose a part of my life. We know eachother for
8 months now. The time has gone by so fast.
I thank you for playing such a huge role in
my life. If someday we wont be
togther/in a realtionship anymore, I will say
this was my first big love

= welliti chi 7aja kbiiiiira f 7yati
3mri nbghi nkhesrek , ila khsertk ankhser terf mn 7yati
daba 8 moi bach kant3arfo , lwe9t deghya kaydouz
choukran lli l3ebti dawr kbir f 7yati
ila chi nhar tfar9na , ghadi ykon hada awal 7ob diali

(thats makin me cry :cry: )

  • bach tat7asi / bach 7asiti = how do u feel ? / how did u feel ?
  • daba ach tatmanai = now what do u wish ?

thank you soooo much, that means the world to me :slight_smile:
I don’t wanna leave tomorrow awww :frowning:

could you also pls translate me this

sba9tini had lmara

thank you so much againnnn <3 rabi ykhalik

of course waiting for Mad to translate, but I think “sba9tini had lmara” means like “you’ve made it early/ before me this time” “you’ve preceded me this time”
sorry for interfering but it was so touching =)

question for Mad, first about the exact and right translation, second: (bini w binak, eih nzam e’se7r 3andkom :P??)

thank you sooo sooo sooooooo much =)

I feel weird asking again but could you translate this : ‘‘there was no feeling. The only thing I thought was, to stay with you forever’’

thanks in advance <3

hada makanch i7sas , ghir bghit nb9a m3ak dima

i will answer u in private :stuck_out_tongue:

i will answer u in private :P[/quote]
so I guess I knew the answer… or rather I became sure :stuck_out_tongue:
(tab ana 3ayza chouyet khalta :D)

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry i dont use this :stuck_out_tongue:
if u open a new thread sure moroccan women can help u hhh

I know you’re not generalizing, so will I find such women over here?!! of course not.
etsaraf… malish da3wa

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wa mochkiiiila hadi m3ak lol malk 3awdolk 3lia ana mwelef kandir dakchi :stuck_out_tongue:

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tasawar fhamtak this time :smiley:
elmohem, bardo wana mali, es2al 7ad mn el geran, es2al 7ad mn el 2arayeb… 7ad mn elba3ayed… etsaraf :stuck_out_tongue:

ok send me money 3ashan as2alek jamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaykaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :smiley:

la khalas 3alya 3ashan awel marra wkeda :smiley: (bas the darija mesh el massri :P)

hahah oui hada jamayka meghribi :stuck_out_tongue:

ah akeeed maghribi, omal mn ganoub africia… masalan :stuck_out_tongue:
w mch b3eed ytla3 mn zytoun elli fi mekness kaman :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


ach hada?!! enta ad keda?!! a2olak, better to think twice :stuck_out_tongue:

lollll ana raye7 maydan eta7rir , trou7i m3aya ?

la rou7 enta lwa7dak :stuck_out_tongue: bas matensash t3adi 3ala share3 el haram wenta raye7 3ala hnak :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: