metcherfin a tukha,l hamdulillah…
i’m( ) 100% italian and i live in the northern part of italy (and i say i’m very very very similar to a moroccan girl…infact some times people meet me and speak me in moroccan,…and sometime it’s hard to understand…:mdr: )
@ katie … so true !! definitely, rainy perfectly sums up the whole of britain in one word but yaaay i don’t mind
awww woww, you’re adventurous and ambitious like meee; good to hear well, actually, it’s not that bad here !! there aren’t as many gangs as in, say, america, for instance
in fact i don’t know of ANY gangs here [like names or people or anything at all!!] obviously i don’t go out late at night or anything, so alhamdulillah i haven’t come across any nasty situations
it’s not dangerous at all, you just know where to go and when, and i guess that applies almost everywhere around the world, right ??
anyhow, you should most definitely come down to england, and i honestly would love to show you round here !! just bring an umberella ;)
yeahhh, i’ve been to jordan, syria and iraq in my life, and i’m not a big fan of arabic countries - TOOOO hot
but morocco appeals to me, and inchallah, i will visit there one day :D:D
yeahhh, the people seem nice from what i’ve seen/heard - very sociable and gentil
like in paris; i loved the way some people were over there … but then again some people were the other end of the scale but i guess you get nice and nasty people everywhere
yaaay hi-five for the 17-year-old-iraqi-and-moroccan-girls [shhh, i know i’m not moroccan but we can pretend]
anyhow, it’s nice conversing with you here keeeep it uppp pleasee :)
and yep, i’m not very aware of people’s ages around here, but it’s cooool to see people my age, and with my interests etc … always lovely and refreshing to see this kinda thing, hey
take goood care, katieee xx
@ sarahzina … [what’s your name, by the way ?? sarah ?? zina ?? or both ??]
WOW 100% italian, that’s aweeeesomeee
lucky youuu, to look moroccan, hey
so i guess you’ve been in the kinda ‘ermm … sorry, what ??’ situations when people start talking in moroccan with you LOL
so is that why you came here ?? to be able to understand them
or how comes you’re interested in learning moroccan darija ??
well me, i just … AM i don’t know how or why - it’s because of my interest in french, i guessss
it’s a passion xD
well, anyway, ohhh why the cry face when you say you’re italien, THAT’S AWESOME !!
oh yes…an half to understand what they are saying to me and an other half to be able to follow others’ conversation(when they may think i don’t understand nothiiiiiing…) by the way my name is Sarah or Serena (call me as you want,i have doble name…) and zina is you know what?(it means beautiful…:^^: ) and i also like arabic writing language,tradition and sooooo on…i simply love this world!! and lucky you,an half moroccan… but you think you’ll use darija in your life or it’s just a passion?
hahahaa, that’s a gooood move !! [learning it to understand others’ conversations]
serena; what a beautiful name, machallah - very unique i know only one girl with that name !!
ohhh zina, yep i know that word awwww that’s lovelyyy :hap:
awwww, woww, where did you learn arabic then ??
HAHAHAAA lucky me, an IMAGINARY* half-moroccan … really, 100% iraqi LOL
well for the moment, i’m definitely learning it as a passion, because i just want to - i have no plans of moving very soon, as i’m only young and in the middle of my studies, so i’d say my motive at the moment is passion
but i DEFINITELY want to travel the world when i’m older, inchallah, i don’t want to stay here forever
i want to live in france for a while; i loved paris, and i want to go back there, but where i see myself INCHALLAH in the fairly-near future, is in the high atlas mountains of morocco living amongst the amazeegh its my dream :hm:
inchallah it works, ya Rab … ameeeen
ooh yeah, now we are three 17 year old girls here, that´s cool
@tukha: well, good that you haven´t met any gangs now. my friend was in london this summer and she got robbed on her second day!!! and what i´ve heard about london is that there are many gangs, and they stab each other. you know for example when that harry potter movie guy got stabbed this year and so on… but cool that manchester isn´t like that :). yes, you´re right, it really does depend on the time you are out. if it´s too late it can be dangerous anywhere.
oh yes, i will come to england inchallah (yep, umbrella will be the first thing to pack, lol). my dream was always to study in cambridge or oxford, but i think it will stay a dream… and i wanna go to canada. these are my favourite countries.
oh, yes, of course, no problem, let´s pretend you´re moroccan.
first thing you have to learn: be late. second thing: laugh, laugh and laugh! third thing: ignore traffic lights and rules and fourth thing …hm…i dunno…i´ll tell you when i know it =D
you wanna go to the high atlas mountains of morocco? lol, cool dream. if you believe in it it will come true…
haha, nobody wants to stay where he is, everyone of us wants to move away…like me, i don´t want to stay in austria forever, really! that would be kinda sad…
so what´s your dream country sarah?
anyway, same thing here, it´s really nice talking to you!!..
best wishes xxx
ohmygosh, your friend got robbed on her second day, that’s crazy !!
well inchallah that won’t happen to you here
like we agreeeed, just an umberella, and don’t go out at night, and you’ll be safe
YAAAAAY, i’m moroccan HAHAA :lol:
oooh, i like canada [only because they are francophone LOL] but i wouldn’t really like to go there … not like i don’t WANT to, but it’s just not a big thing for me not like morocco and france and others
a) be late - no problem, i may not be moroccan, but let’s not forget, i am arab
b) laugh - THAT’S ALL I DOOOO :lol:
and c) i’ll have to work hard on the ‘not following rules’ rule, because i’m a HARD-CORE-RULE-FOLLOWER
but when i learn to break rules, i’ll break THAT rule and i’ll go back to square one … :blink: confused LOL
definitelyyy, i’d love to visit the moroccan mountains :hap:
hope everybody is doing well
wasalaaam xx
[quote=Katie]ooh yeah, now we are three 17 year old girls here, that´s cool
haha, nobody wants to stay where he is, everyone of us wants to move away…like me, i don´t want to stay in austria forever, really! that would be kinda sad…
so what´s your dream country sarah?[/quote]
Yep i agree…nobody wants to stay where he is but sometimes when you travel it might happen that you miss your little country and your family…
i’d like tooooooooo much to see how’s morocco(i think i’ll fall more and more in love with this country…)
and as Tukha i’d also like to see the mountains of morocco and i think amazigh culture is fascinating…:hap:
yaaaay we should all go visit the mountains together
the ‘’ holiday
you’re so right - their culture and just the fact that they KEPT it all these years is amazing !!
i think it’s just beautiful and i’d love to live there for a while