Darija Sentence structure

Hello, new member here! I have a questions about Darija syntax. There is this great song called Ghir Ntiya by Moha K and Marwa Loud, anyways at this one point in the song, Moha K sings “Ana huwa el-mushkil…” My question is why he uses “huwa”? How come he can’t say “Ana el-mushkil”?

Does it matter in Darija? Can the “huwa” also work with 2nd person: “Nta huwa el-mushkil”?

Would it get doubled for 3rd person: “Huwa huwa el-mushkil”??

Thank you, Merci barsha, Shukran bzef

the word “huwa” (هو) is often used for emphasis or clarification, similar to saying “it is” in English.

  1. “Ana huwa el-mushkil” (أنا هو المشكل): This means “I am the problem,” with “huwa” adding emphasis, almost like saying “It is I who am the problem.”
  2. “Ana el-mushkil” (أنا المشكل): This is a more straightforward statement meaning “I am the problem,” without the extra emphasis.
  3. Using “huwa” with 2nd person (“Nta huwa el-mushkil”): Yes, this works too. “Nta huwa el-mushkil” (نتا هو المشكل) means “You are the problem,” with “huwa” adding emphasis, just like it does in the first person.
  4. Doubling for 3rd person (“Huwa huwa el-mushkil”): In this case, doubling “huwa” (هو هو المشكل) would also add emphasis, as if saying “He is definitely the problem.”

So, “huwa” adds a layer of emphasis or focus, which can be used with different pronouns. It’s a stylistic choice that can change the tone or intensity of the statement.

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Wow!! Thank you so much!!! That explication was so helpful and well-detailed!! I appreciate it so much.

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