Comparison of Cold

Jack: ‘It’s so cold in my town that we have to use ten blankets at night!’
Smith: ‘So what… in my town, it gets so cold that we have to use at least thirty blankets!’
Little Johnny: ‘That’s nothing! In my town, it gets so cold that the cows give ice cream instead of milk!

lool :lol: thanks sandeep :slight_smile:

haha I have one which is the same as cows, but concerns women :slight_smile:

“In my town, it gets so cold that girls make strawberry ice cream during their monthly period” !

well, I don’t think it would taste strawberries, but it would look the same :slight_smile:

riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight :S

:blink: :huh:

Euuu3333 3eyeftini… I imagine how tasty it would be !! :smiley:

well you have to give it a try :roll: I dare you !