Common Courtesy

Moroccans have turned the meeting & greeting ritual into an art form.
Most expressions have standardized responses.
xedma de l-meDraSa: try to find the appropriate answer for the common courtesy expressions listed below.

  1. es-salamu 3lay-kum

  2. hniyya 3li-k

  3. mebruk!

  4. shukran!

  5. b eS-Se77ha

  6. shahiyya Tayyiba

  7. b es-slama

  8. sme7 li …

    a. nta kadalik
    b. el-3eqba lik
    c. w 3lay-kum es-salam
    d. LLah ibark fik
    e. LLah yesselm-k
    f. bla jmil
    g. ma kayen mushkil
    h. LLah ye3tik eS-Se77a

Sba7 al kheir,


I have difficulties with the others expressions

Very good exercise, thanks Maarten. Keep up the good work.

Good job, Emy. The left two can be easily guessed. Give them a try.

hello i’m come back!:smiley:

Expression Response

  1. es-salamu 3lay-kum -> c. w 3lay-kum es-salam
  2. hniyya 3li-k -> d. LLah ibark fik
  3. mebruk! -> b. el-3eqba lik
  4. shukran! -> f. bla jmil
  5. b eS-Se77ha -> h. LLah ye3tik eS-Se77a
  6. shahiyya Tayyiba -> a. nta kadalik
  7. b es-slama -> e. LLah yesselm-k
  8. sme7 li … -> g. ma kayen mushkil

can you tell me what means :

  1. mebruk! -> b. el-3eqba lik
  2. shahiyya Tayyiba -> a. nta kadalik

Good work…nice post.

[quote=Darija_Noob]can you tell me what means :

  1. mebruk! -> b. el-3eqba lik
  2. shahiyya Tayyiba -> a. nta kadalik[/quote]
    In fus7a ‘mabruk’ is used to congratulate someone for example when (s)he has had a baby, I suppose it’s the same use in darija. I don’t know what ‘shahiyya tayyiba’ means, sorry.