dedicass d1 africain au maroc
lol loving the accent
vRRRaiment le MaRRRRoc c’est incRRRRoyable hhhhh we know that dude tell us something different
hhhh what’s that word he says “mla7777” ??? i couldn’t understand it
lolll well mli7 = good
hahahaha… it’s funny
looool it seems he has some experience in selling things in some medina
haha… they try to sell everything… and every even small thing they recommend like something really special :^^:
isn’t mli7 an algerian word?
A: wech ca va?
B: mli7(a) l7amdollah
yep lalla mli7 is used a lot in algeria and the east of morocco (oujda)
but u can also hear it in other parts of morocco when refering to good products … and as a slang word to a HOT chick = sata mli7a
yeah touta this is our morocco hhhhhhhh im lovin it
oh ma gawwwd u always need to include girls rabbi ysm7lek
duuuuuude its not my fault :S if they dont say sat mli7
stop pointing at me with ur dirty finger :’(
shutup my finger is worth more than you and all your property, how dare u call it dirty
duuude we all know what u do with that finger
wtfffffffffffffff dude verbal hygiene PLEASE!!!
huh? i didnt mean sth bad
aint responsible for ur dirty minde dude
and i’m dumb enough to believe that
lolll u believed a lot of things before … its ok with this one hhh
I believed that you were a human,
I was fooled
matalane :^^: