Cases in Darija

Are there cases in darija like that of fos7a? What I mean is, in fos7a there’s correct my memory if its wrong marfoo3, mansoob and majroor, and these are cases that identify each word and whether it’s a subject, object or 2nd part of idafa/follows a preposition… ie. Nominative, Accusative and Genitive… and so the word is marked with a damma, fat-ha or kasra depending on its function (subject etc.)… till now I haven’t seen any of this in darija, and my question is: does these case thingos exist in darija too? do you just use a word as object the exact same way you’d use it as subject… and is this because vowels are generally omitted so its not even obvious if the word ends in damma or kasra etc.

I know my question probably did all your heads in, but this was on my mind so I wanted to ask before i forget…

thanks :smiley:

No, your question it’s ok. And I think the response is easy, correct me if I’m wrong.

There are no cases in darija. You hardly could find some reminiscences from fus7a arabic in ancient proverbes or expressions. In plane darija, no use.

Word in Draija often ends with a “sookoon” ° <—

when for example a verb “daraba” should be “marfoo3” with “damma” in the present = “yadribo” , we say in Darija “ydrab” , & the original “daraba” also is simply “drab”

we say about darija : ‘’ allogha lwa7ida allati tabda2o bi sokoun wa tantahi bi sokoun ‘’ <== this is ofcourse fus7a and it means that darija is the only language which stars with sokoun and ends with sokoun
and sokoun is what Paper explained :slight_smile:

& Morocco is the country of sookoon (tranquility)

hhhhh b7al walo ykoun meskoun :open_mouth:

It absolutely is :ok:

For the present tense, the marfou3 begins with the ka or ta suffix. they are interchangeable
I eat

For the subjunctive, (mansoob) you just get rid of the ka or ta prefix. Like I want to eat: bghit an’nakol
In fusha: [large??? ?? ???[/large][large][/large]

Ureedoo an Akola

That’s as close as you get to something like case in the arabic dialects.
just marfou3 and mansoob

Hope that helps

marroquina , raf3 w nasb lli kanhdro 3lih 7na kaykon fl 7erf lekher dial lkelma , alors ca na rien a voir avec suffix ka wla ta

thank you allllll so much guys, it really cleared up my question… :okay:

Remember that every single language has case
even dialects!
But not every language has case "Endings" which are the vowel endings in fus7a
only some languages have case endings 2 of them are russian and arabic
but every language has case, it has to…

it does have something to do with it if we speak about a case or a mood like subjunctive
obviously darija doesn’t have case endings
I was just showing how the case endings in fusha can translate to a dialect…
Since there are no vowel endings, it does it a different way

ah ok u were just givin an example with fus7a … i get u now :slight_smile:

sorry, marroquina, I think there is a confusion here…

Lots of language have’nt cases. You can check any good grammar, even in the net there are good explanations.

Spanish only have cases in some pronouns yo/tu/él --> nominative (subject), me/te/le --> acusative (direct complement), mi/ti/ none, or a él —>genitive (complement of the noun, under a preposition regency).

Here we are talking of morfologic cases. “Morfologic case” refers to the posibility that exists in some languages of adding a morfologic mark (the ending normally) to the substantives, adjectives or pronouns depending on the sintactic function in the sentence. That’s the common view for the traditional grammar. There is some diferent views in new grammars (generative), more complicated to explain to me, but it does not afect this explaination too much: Verbs (or prepositions instead) are only asigning the function to the nominal sintagma.

By the way: we talk about three cases (nominative, acusative, genitive) but there are lots more in other languages (latin and greeks have some more, for example).

So, darija have no cases, and verbs or/and prepositions that assigns functions to the sintagmas doesn’t changes forms depending on the function that assigns.

Easier for us, alhamdullah! :slight_smile: