can u please translate this for me please

can someone help me translate this please
Sabah lkhir, mcha dim ola mazale chouf ila ma bghach imchi khal3o o gol lih ra mariem jaya

and this one also please :slight_smile:

     Kan habak zain

M3aua ntia makayn dim a la3mar

Good morning, still feeling sad ? look, if sadness won’t go away sacer it; tell it Mariem is coming.

I love you beauty.
With you there’s no sadness, my life.

thankyou for the translation asilah

Rak 3ziz
Raki 9albi a lahbiba
Tsabhi bi 1000 khir
O nta bikol lkhir inchalah ya amiri wa taj rassi

i would appreciate if someone could translate this for me please

My username is Paperbird, Asilah is where i’m from.

N3asti…you slept
Rak 3ziz…you’re (my) dear
Raki 9albi a lahbiba…you’re my heart honey
Tsabhi bi 1000 khir…1000 goodnights
O nta bikol lkhir inchalah ya amiri wa taj rassi…(goodnight) to you too my life, & the crown of my head.