can someone please tell me what my ex boyfriend said it's french.

I told him not to call me again,and that he was a lier and that I know he is married. than I got this novel texted to me in french. As**** knows I bearly speak french he wants to piss me off. Please help me to translate in english.

Aucun contact pendant presque une annee et tu me reproche quoique ce soit? A ton avis j’ai pas le droit de reprendre le cours de ma vie apres tout ce temps et a ton avis qu’est ce que me peiner a ne pas proclame mes sentiments pour toi la derniere fois on avait parle au tel et j’insistais a te voir pour discuter la situation et en plus qu’est ce qui te fait croire que je voulais quelque chose de ta part. tout ce que ke faisait c’etait demande apres toi.

[color=#FC1602]Admin note: Post edited for language.[/color]

we didnt keep in touch for nearly one year and u r blaming me? do u think i’ve not got the right to resume my life after all this time and what do u think prevent me from declaring my feelings for u?. last time we talked on the phone and i insisted to discuss the situation and in addition what makes u think i wanted(needed) something from u. ((tout ce que ke faisait c’etait demande apres toi.))

i didnt understand the sentence i put in brackets…i think he missed a word in this sentence. maybe someone else can help u on that.

The last sentence means: All I wanted was to ask about you/your news.