Can somebody help me translate please :)

hello :slight_smile: i wrote this poem ok :slight_smile: its for my bf (soon to be fiance inchallah) :slight_smile: i just wanted him to know how i feel but its easyer for me to express things in english bcoz makn3rafch l3rbiya mezyan :slight_smile: just a little bit) and so i want to be translated b darija bch yfhemha mezyan :slight_smile: i can translate bits of it myself, but knowing me id end up translating it wrong lol :slight_smile: so here it is…

I have been hurt so much in the past,
And I always thought that the pain would always last,
My days and nights were filled with tears,
They had been like this for so many years,
I was at a point where I was close to giving up hope,
I really did not think in this life I could cope,
But then into my life you came,
Since that day my life has never been the same,
I can now sleep at night without my light on,
I now no longer feel like every day I have to run,
You have made me feel so loved and adored,
And out of my heart for you my love just poured,
I never expected something like this to happen to me,
In my life now everything is so clear for me to see,
This is the greatest feeling that I have ever had,
You know no longer do I feel so sad,
I keep trying to tell you just how much I love you and just how much I care,
But I can’t find the right words to explain this love that is so rare,
I have so much love for you,
Sometimes I think it is too good to be true,
But I trust you,
And I know you love me so much too,
I am so lucky to have found you and to have the chance to be yours,
Whenever I think about you my heart and soul just soars,
It is incredible that I found someone like you so perfect gentle and kind,
And it is unbelievable that I am yours and I can’t get you out of my mind,
I love you so much Oullah L3adim,
And I just wish to live the rest of my life with you in our amazing dream.

and thanks so much to anyone who can help :slight_smile:

well we might as well start with our weak darija and then maybe someone can come in, edit, add…then your msg won’t go to the bottom and be forgotten :slight_smile:

kont majrou7a deja
wkan s7abli hadchi ga3 ghadtab9a

layl w nhar 3amr b les pleurs
hakak mn ch7al hadi, sineen ktir

wsalt lblasa min ghir l’espoir
wach l7san 7aja lia la vie ou la mort

lol thanks asminfar9 :slight_smile: but now im going to be cheeky w ngulk tarjmlia dekchi li ktebti :slight_smile: because maknfhemch francais :stuck_out_tongue: thank youuu

ahhh ok…well the thing with making poetry 4 a moroccan, its much easier than for others…because you can find a rhyme across darija, french, classical arabic, maybe also egyptian, spanish and english, and honestly it will sound very normal for their ears : ))) so lots of rhyming possibilities

anyway i tried to say something like your first lines

I have been hurt so much in the past,
And I always thought that the pain would always last,

kont majrou7a deja
wkan s7abli hadchi ga3 ghadtab9a

My days and nights were filled with tears,
They had been like this for so many years,

layl w nhar 3amr b les pleurs
hakak mn ch7al hadi, sineen ktir

I was at a point where I was close to giving up hope,
I really did not think in this life I could cope,

wsalt lblasa min ghir l’espoir
wach l7san 7aja lia la vie ou la mort