keifesh kan9olo?
u got me i dont know looll
personally i use the french word … and in darija i use : ‘’ ah be3da …"
“by the way” is often (if not always) expressed by “7agga” or “tfakkart” or “3la sirt…”
“7agga” comes from Foss7a “7a99” (truth/right), 7agga is the most common & natural equivalent used for “by the way”. & it’s used in cases similar to those in English.
“tfakkart” simply means “i (have just) remembered”, it has the same meaning in Darija but it’s sometimes used as BTW.
“3la sirt …sth…”, it means “speaking of …sth…”, when something is mentioed that reminds u to somethin else, this can be replace “7agga”.
Note: the Fos7a is “bi l moonasaba” (literally=with the occasion, used as=BTW)
What Madridista said (aji b3da) means “come here” (not come HERE literally), but that expression used sometimes in English (i think) to replace BTW.
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah duuuuude fekertini f 7gga ( aka 799a for girls ) i use this one … its a good one , it can always replace the english BTW
3a fekra too mid eastern? :unsure:
yeah Lalla, 3ala fikra is middleEastern, we don’t say it here.
ok good, ty