
yeahhh, what is this ‘a’ … somebody said ‘mar7ba a tukha’ and i kinda just thought it was ‘ya’ but spelt wrong by accident :lol:

A is the Moroccan equivalent of ya, used to address a person or group of people. Fhmti a Tukha?
But when I call you mathalan, I will say “Tukha? Waaaaa Tukha? Wa fink a Tukha?

Allah ybarek feeeki :slight_smile: I CAN’T WAIT TO USE THIS ON SOMEONE …
MAMA? WAAA MAMA FENK A MAMA ?!?! :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks again…i’m improving little by little my Darija…(i hope…:hap:)

ya u guys r improving :smiley:

awwwww choukran, love :hap:
7amdoullahhhh :D:D

Ur Welcome :d

mmmm, what’s everybody having/had for iftar todaaay ??
[forgive me; i like talking about food at all the wrong times LOL] :lol:

okay i had a date and i had a burger which i made!

i feeeel like a niiiice burger nowww :frowning:
mm i can see it in my head daydreams
hope you enjoyed it :stuck_out_tongue:

yesterday we had pizza :smiley:

oooh la laaaaaaaa - i want pizzaaaa :frowning:
today we are having some iraqi dish - timmen baagilla, we call it
it’s rice with them green beans ?? bajilla, i think they’re called in arabic :lol:

has everyone heard the la7me song ?? MDR MDR MDR

ana ba7eb ella7me kteeer :lol::lol:
I think they’re called bazella :lol:

and it looks like a yummy dish :D:D

you still didn’t have iftar??

we already had batata 3a2damha potatoes with rice :smiley:

nopeee, right now it is 18:35 and iftar is at 7:11-ish :smiley:
that’s itttt, bazella, i think it’s that, yeahhh :hap:
welll, it IS yummyyyy - it is left over from a 3azooma we had two days ago and the food is still enough to last us forever :lol: typical !!
mmmmmmmmm that sounds yummm, i love potatoes EVERYWHERE :slight_smile:

me too :smiley:
do you like 3azayem ?

i dooooo … well, it depends who it is … but i generally do like them, cos if it’s little kids i get to play with them and mess about, if it is girls my age, we just have fun, normal, and if it is old ladies/adults, i chat with them and have interesting conversations :hap:
but of course, there comes the … WORKKKKKKK :frowning: :stuck_out_tongue:

yes the work that’s what I hate about 3azayem…:frowning:
the rest is great except if we were the ones invited to a 3azoomeh and the food wasn’t good… :frowning:

Hold on there… What’s the la7me song? Nawwaroooooni!
And oh, Tukha, don’t mind me… It’s Allah ibark feek. We don’t use the “i” ending while speaking.

Like Tukha, anything I read you speak about in matters of food is exactly what I want to eat. Mind you, the afternoon just started and this poor girl has an empty stomach snif.

awwwww pooor youu :lol:
i hope you are full and satifsfied and happy now - or very sooon :smiley:
search on youtube ‘arab meat (lahme) song’ and it is the first thing that will come up, with that title, by MSA786 (the account name)
it’s hilarious !!! :hap:

The beginning of the song is nice, but then it was all ruined with the curses and bad language. Too bad, it killed the humor of the song for me.