Bonjourrrr le Rappp ;)


okayyy, so for my french oral exam at the end of this year, we have to talk about a controversial topic, and it doesn’t have to do with france (last year it did, and i did coluche, but i digress.)

SO, i have picked my topic, and inchallah it is RAP :hap:

being more specific, it’s rap in relation to racism, social class, intolerance, ignorance… and everything else (so much for specific LOL)

so i need to collect arguments FOR and AGAINST rap (as we have a “debate”, me and the teacher, and it gets voice recorded, and i have to prepare her arguments, too, so i kinda need both sides) :slight_smile:

so i was wondering if you guys had any views, that you might want to share them here? :smiley: just to give ideas!

to get you started, here’s a few mixed points:

  • rap has created sub-cultures in society, it has caused segregation, like the “gangsters” and the different gangs etc etc
  • rap encourages violence, with the lyrics and the music videos
  • the music videos are also seen to degrade women etc
  • rap is noisy and loud and just aggressive, it is not what we want our children to grow up in (seriously, i know my arguments aren’t great; i’ve just put ANYTHING i can find together!)
  • rap reaches out to the youth of today in the manner of today
  • rap/slam encourages teens to think outside the box, and empathise with others’ emotions etc (mc solaar in mind, amongst others)
  • rap (especially french rap) educates youth on important issues (eg immigration and identity; this is where i want to bring the north afircan artists of france. i know it doesn’t HAVE to be to do with france, but this is my main reason for choosing it. it’s something i’m passionate about so i’d love to have the opportunity to go deeper into it, AND get grades out of that :hap: lol!)
    so, do you agree? disagree? anything else to say??

it would be interesting to hear your views, anyway, and for my oral too :smiley:

Wouldn’t be more interesting for you to write all that in French instead? It will be doing work for once. Now you’ll be collecting arguments, and then will have to translate them into French!

Let me add one more argument for rap: It’s an open mean to express youth’s points of view, and exposer their worries and concerns. As you said, many rap songs are about current issues: immigration, integration, drugs, etc.

THANKYOU SM! REALLY GOOD POINT! i know exactly where i can fit that in for my arguments :hap:
and you’re right that writing it in french would be good practise; alors, i’ll do that inchallah!!
but i don’t want people’s arguments in french, necessarilly; i don’t mind if they’re in english xD most of my internet research is being done in english cos it’s mostly americans that have a lot to say AGAINST rap (i already have quite a bit FOR rap, as that is where i stand, personally!)
so yeah, i don’t mind, either way, it will practise my translation, getting english arguments and making them french, or reading, to get them in french :slight_smile:
OR EVEN DARIJA!!! thankyou again, SM :hap:

pour mon examen oral de francais, je doit choisir un sujet disputable/controversé (??)
J’AI CHOISI LA MUSIQUE RAP :wink: jusqu’a maintenant, j’ai quelques arguments pour et contre le rap, et ca sera bien apprecié si vous me donnez de votres arguments aussi! :hap:

voila mes arguments:

  • le rap a créé les sous-groupes, et la ségrégation de la société; par exemple les “gangs”
  • le rap encourage le racisme, par exemple entre “les noirs” et “les blancs”
  • le rap encourage la ferocité, avec les paroles violents, et les videos avec les revolvers etc etc etc
  • les vidéos de rap sont tres dégradant envers les femmes
  • le rap est trop bruyant, et aggressif! on ne veux pas que notre enfants soient elevés comme ca
  • le rap atteint les jeunes d’aujourd’hui, de la facon d’aujourd’hui
  • le rap/slam encourage les jeunes a penser au-delà des repères/en dehors des clous (??) je veux dire, penser diféremment, devenir plus créatif, et commencer a etre plus empathique avec les autres, et leurs sentiments
  • le rap eduque les gens en ce qui concerne les problemes importantes; comme l’immigration, l’identité, le racisme etc (c’est pour ca que j’ai choisi ce theme, car surtout dans le rap francais, ces sujets sont VRAIMENT populaires parmi les artistes qui viennent d’afrique du nord!!!)

alors, vous etes d’accord? pas d’accord? pourquoi? quelquechose d’autre a dire??


well hun u’ve got everything up there already and ur still asking for our opinions :unsure:

i’d have to say that i agree with the following points:

  • the music videos are also seen to degrade women etc - especially when they put up half dressed women etc. (snipers clip-trait pour trait) * i think thats what the song is called *
  • rap reaches out to the youth of today in the manner of today - i agree -
  • rap/slam encourages teens to think outside the box, and empathise with others’ emotions etc
  • rap (especially french rap) educates youth on important issues (eg immigration and identity) -yep definitely, u’ll see this with Rimk’s lyrics too -

*** Nowadays most youth try conveying their message in this manner, by ‘spitting’ some rap lyrics ***

my 2 cents jjdeux

“*** Nowadays most youth try conveying their message in this manner, by ‘spitting’ some rap lyrics ***” TROP VRAI, MA JUMELLE!
thanksssssssssssssss for your deux cents :wink: and LOLLLL, i’ve asked some more friends and they say “it’s not music, it’s just shouting words! they should be POETS and NOT musicians!” :lol:
OH, and i got a “i don’t like it.” :unsure:
anybody elseee?? :D:D