
ok j’ai une question osi… qu’est-ce que “babour” veut dire en dialect algerien? c’est dans la chanson de rim’k et reda taliani : ya’l babour ya mon amour (8)

et osi ils disent habsheeni ma3leech… habsheeni? qu’est-ce que c’est??

chukran d’avance :wink:

if any moroccans know the answers, feel free to express yourself svp :slight_smile:

yah Lbabour ! is also Moroccan it’s the lit boat with which they cross the Mediteranean to Euroupe ! I think the song is all about leaving ALgeria ( or the Arab world in general ) towards Europe !

ok thx abdessamed but whats habsheeni aswell???

in fact am not sure :slight_smile: but i can make assciation n say Hbsheeni = Hbseeni in Moroccan :slight_smile: that’s to say stop me wallahu Alam

yeah another algerian friend just told me its most likely habseeni, thx again :smiley:

yal babour ya mon amour, kharejni min la misere, fi bledni rani ma7gour, 3yet 3yet ou j’en ai marre, continues singing STOP ME SOMEBODY :hap:
my favourite song in the worldddddddddddddd <3

hahahahaha tukha! :smiley:

LOLLLLLL, wallahi i love it SO much :hap: BIG HEART <3333

Babour is the name of an elephant in a classic children’s story book and on some cartoons, but I think it might be spelled, “Babor”… not real sure.

hahahah um maryam i just laughed when i read ur post …sry couldnt help it!

REALLY? i’m going to look up this elephant xD

L’éléphant, c’est “Babar”, le roi des éléphants. Sa femme s’appelle Céleste :lol:

lbabour, c’est effectivement le bateau. Le mot vient du français “vapeur” car à l’époque coloniale les bateaux qui traversaient la méditerranée fonctionnaient à la vapeur. On parlait donc de bateau à vapeur et, par extension, de “vapeurs”. Ce qui a donné “babour” car le V et le P n’existent pas en arabe.


Joyeux Nôël à ceux qui y croient et bonne fin d’année à tous in cha llah !

MERCI a Onc’Kamel :slight_smile: tres utile, cette explication! tout fais du sens maintenant :wink:
alors, joyeux noel a toi aussi, et merci! :slight_smile:

[quote=tukha]yal babour ya mon amour, kharejni min la misere, fi bledni rani ma7gour, 3yet 3yet ou j’en ai marre, continues singing STOP ME SOMEBODY :hap:
my favourite song in the worldddddddddddddd <3[/quote]
lol that was kool was singing along with u. lov this tune and more of his songs.

well this song is 2 years old now, but i think its one that will NEVER get old, love it too!! especially rim-k in this clip, is TDF