Assalamo 3alaykom.
I’d like to notify you that I’ll be away from the forum for a few days. I’ll get back to respond to all your questions and correct the exercises pretty soon. Please keep posting and working on Darija.
Till soon.
We’ll miss you
A bientôt chère SM
et ne t’inquiète pas, ghadi nemshiw “keep posting” f lmontada dyalk, imta ghadi temshi hna, ghadi tshôf kamlin qra, kteb w b lkhoSôS 7lem b ddarija! :^^:
see u sooooooon SM!!
Im going to miss u soooooooo much!!
I will miss you too
mattawleesh 3lina !
Hello friends! Guess who’s back :).
Thank you everyone for your messages. Let’s get back to Darija!
Correction: Lmontada dyalna ;).
Mllî ghâdî trj3î hnâ, ghâdî tlqâynâ kâmlîn qrînâ, ktbnâ, w blkhoSôS 7lmnâ bddarija.
Mllî ghâdî trj3î hnâ, ghâdî tlqây kolshî qrâ, ktb, w blkhoSôS 7lm bddarija.
Tmshî = Tu vas.
Trj3î = Tu retournes.
Je crois que tu voulais plutôt utiliser la 2ème version, mais tu pensais que - comme je l’avais dis - “kolshî” fait plutôt “objet” que “humain”… Bien vu. Ajout: Kolshî peut être utilisé des fois sans problèmes en parlant d’humains.
Très bien Elise :). Tu es une fierté ;).
See you on the forum, everyone!
shôkran bzzzzaaaffff SM!
see you soon!!
Elise, will write to you soon, mâ nsîtsh!
Hiba, “mattawleesh 3lina” was very good from you :). Enti bitzakri min warana? (Egyptian)
Welcome back SM !!!
Tab3an bazaker omALL
i wasn’t actually here when you left, but IF i was i WOULD have missed you
Welcome back sweety!
Thank you Tukha and MarocRulz :).
thank youuu SM-itna
no wait, that should be l-SM dyalna :hap: nerd-face
Did you realize what you just called me? You called me poison ssmm :mdr:.
ouuuuups sorryyy :oops::sorry:
i apologise for that smilie-attack above … i was originally looking for the blush one, and then i saw the other two and couldn’t leave them out :lol:
and you know what i meanttttt
oh, i’m still laughing MDR
No worries :D. Ma kayn 7tta moshkil.
SimplyMoroccan is too long. SM is easier to type, but I should find some other easy nickname.
nooooooooooooooo :huh:
i love SM, cos it fits with the site name tooo
so YOU are SM, and we are SMnautes :hap::hap:
but LOL that’s funny, i didn’t realise :lol:
looooooool…u guys r soo cuuuuute
loooooooooool…you’re cuter ya little cutie
:blink: mmmm, sorry, i’m feeling a bit high …