Audio exercice: l-iSer aw l-imen?

Right or Left? Your choice. Did you know the left side is often associated with awkwardness and clumsiness? The English expression “having two left feet”, the Dutch expression “twee linkerhanden hebben” and the German expression “zwei linke Hände haben” all mean being clumsy. Right, I choose left anytime.

1 (left side) sh-shmal, l-iSeR/l-iSaR
2 (political, left-wing) l-yasaR
3 (lefthanded) iSRi (fm. iSRiya, pl. iSRiyin)

1 (right side) l-imen
2 (politcal, right-wing) l-yamin/l-imen
3 (righthanded) yemni, imni (fm. imniya/yemna/imna, pl ~yin)

Yes, and the English word ‘sinister’ = suggesting or threatening evil, comes from the Latin for ‘left’.

I’ll have a go at writing the left/right vocab in Arabic script :

??? ??? ???

??? ??? ???