Audio excercise: mSafeR

Allright, holidays are coming up soon. Here’s some extra luggage for your trip: vocabulary items for travelling abroad.
And who can tell me at which airport you can find these “throw your bags in the air!” signs?

shukran again, maarten !

Here’s my attempt at translating some of the vocabulary :

maTar d lisans = petrol station
l-bomba d lisans = petrol pump
babor = ship
bagaje = luggage
triq = road
mshi u ji = ‘go and come’ = round trip / return
l-kra dyal tomobil = car hire
lagare = train station
maTar d qitar = train station
tren = train
funduq = hotel
balija / balijat = suitcase/s
paspor = passport
permi tomobil = driver’s licence
Hwayej= clothes
taxi / taxiyat = taxi/s
tren / trenat = train/s
qitar / qitarat = train/s
3oTla = holiday
vakans = holiday
wrqa = ticket
Tiyyara = plane
maTar = airport

Still a lot missing :unsure: