Ash ghaddiro nhar l7dd?

Sba7 lkhir!

We are meant to chat here in Darija, right? Please correct me if wrong. I’ll keep translating what I say for the ones who are still learning to be able to follow!

Ash ghadi ddiro nhar l7dd?
What will you be doing on Sunday?

This is to refer to the weekend in general in fact.

Ana ghadi nqba f ddar.
I’ll stay at home!

Ssalâm everyone :slight_smile:

Hi siso79 :slight_smile:

Lyoma howwa l7dd, w 7tta ana galsa f ddar 7it kan7fd. 3ndi imti7anat ssimâna jjâya. =
It’s today Sunday, and I am staying at home too because I am studying. I have exams next week.

Nhar l7dd jjay, ana ghadi nkhdm 3la wa7d rraport dyal sstaje dyali.
Next Sunday, I’ll work on an internship report of mine.

And you?

I am interested in languages not just because of my situation but I love learning the structures and the sounds of the spoken languages. I am wondering about the use of numbers here…is that to replace the characters (?) that are not present on a standard pc keyboard?

will there be a french chat also? malheureusement mon francais est simple…mais j’etudie en cours a l’universite. I know that this thread is for Darija but will any ladies be willing to practice my french with me because I know that i’ll get better at that before I get better at Darija…at least communicationally speaking. thanx/merci

Hello Rina.
Numbers do replace some letters, better than representing them with existing latin letters. Form example “h” (like in the word home) presents a an Arabic letter that has the same sound. But when it comes to the Arabic letter ? , it has no English equivalents. So we use other symbols to show it.
You acn read a note I left on my blog about that:

I think that you need to have a glance about Arabic letters in general, to get familiar with the different sounds.

Our forum is trilingual ;). It’s just that most members that participate right now are English-speaking ones. But we sure can have topics in French as well. Feel free to start discussions in French, we’ll join you up there :wink:

âna b3da, bghit nkherj f shî hadiqa/ jerda bâsh ndîr wa7d lpicnic m3a ouladi inchallah. Walakin mâ kâynsh sh-shms bzzâf hna f franSa.
Merra kayn sh-shta w lberd, merra kâyn shwyya dyal sh-shms! jjôw kaybdl dghyya!
w ntômâ, âsh ghadi tdirô f lweek-end inchallah?
Ajiw tgolô-ha linâ 3afakôm, ghaîr bghit nhdr shwyyâ m3akom illa bghitô! 7it mâ nkhdmsh w qnt shwyya.

nhar l7dd ghadi nemshi m3a rajli w sa7bti nitsara f ghaba.
Kayen shems f Beljka!!! w shwija s7d:ok:

[quote=Bnita]Nhar l7dd jjay, ana ghadi nkhdm 3la wa7d rraport dyal sstaje dyali.
Next Sunday, I’ll work on an internship report of mine.

And you?[/quote]
lhamdôlîlla ! fi l7aqiqa, je comprends mieux la phrase en darija que celle en anglais - anâ far7ân bzzâf ! Pourtant, z3ama que je parle bien l’anglais :wink:

@Marilyn aka Marylin et @Kounouz : taduction svp (terjemô 3fâk (wlla 3fâkôm ?) - translate please)

@Rina : I’ll be glad to help you with your French

@Kôlkôm : Je ne boude pas et je ne suis pas mort (lhamdôlilla) walakin ana mashrhôl bzzâf

@Onc’Kamel: Je vais faire une promenade avec mon mari et des amis dans un bois.
Il y a du soleil en Belgique et il fait un peu chaud!

shôkran :slight_smile:

[quote=kounouz]âna b3da, bghit nkherj f shî hadiqa/ jerda bâsh ndîr wa7d lpicnic m3a ouladi inchallah. Walakin mâ kâynsh sh-shms bzzâf hna f franSa.
Merra kayn sh-shta w lberd, merra kâyn shwyya dyal sh-shms! jjôw kaybdl dghyya!
w ntômâ, âsh ghadi tdirô f lweek-end inchallah?
Ajiw tgolô-ha linâ 3afakôm, ghaîr bghit nhdr shwyyâ m3akom illa bghitô! 7it mâ nkhdmsh w qnt shwyya.[/quote]
moi en tous cas, je voudrais aller dans un parc pour faire un picnic avec mes enfants inchallah. Mais il n’y a pas beaucoup de soleil ici en France. Parfois il pleut et il fait froid, parfois il y a un peu de soleil! le temps change sans arrêt!
Et vous, qu’allez vous faire ce week end?
Venez nous le dire s’il vous plaît, je veux juste discuter avec vous un peu si vous le voulez bien, Parce que je ne travaille pas et je m’ennuie un peu.


up! up!:lol:

merci d’avoir tout traduit Kounouz :slight_smile:
j’étais un peu perdue… trop de mots… :blush:
l wweek-end aker, ghadi nmshi lel7ânôt dyâl l [sport] bâsh kanshr [du matériel de randonnée], bâsh imta ghâdi nmchi lelMaghrib hadak SSif.
(le weekend prochain, je vais aller dans un magasin de sport pour acheter du matériel de randonnée, pour quand j’irai au Maroc cet été.)

je t’en prie.:hap: