Are You Afraid of Google?

Do you think that Google has too much control over your life and the Web?
Do you find it scary how Google is expanding all over the place?
As of today, can you live the Internet without Goooooooogle?

There’s always yahoo :cool:

You don’t use Gmail, Gtalk, Google Search, Google Docs, or anything else from it?

I mean like in being addicted to it…

alllllaaaah, no im not that much of a google freak… i see u are though

Truth be said, Google makes a lot of thing much easier to do. but, yeah…the way it’s taking over the web is scary, youtube for example now belongs to google. & there was a try to take down (steal) Yusuf Estes’ UtubeIslam site, because it’s aleggedly similar.
so it’s not only expanding, but also offending…

“ads by google” / “powered by google” <— you find these wherever you surf ! so it might be a fact that everything u do on the net is provided to you by google.

When i first read the word “afraid” sth else occured to me, different from the subject.
i can for example be afraid of google when i do an innocent seacrh & get sth that i don’t want, like an image search for “Moroccan tea” , no need to say what one of th epics was…

PB, you don’t have the safesearch mode on? I don’t see anything bad :hap:.

LA, I am. No caffeine for me, just Googleine.

there’s a safe mode in google :blink: ?

wakey wakey pb, even i know that :smiley:

doudi kat3rfi dik l3iba dial ‘’ koun sbe3 w koulni" ? wa hya hadi … google sbe3 w klana kamline :smiley:
sara7a l7aj google sehel 3lina ch7aaaaaal mn 7aja … en faite rah madkhel verbe to google l dictionaire tta kan ysta7e9

PB, shame on you for all those months of non-safe-mode-searching. You should repent.

Mad, to Google is in the dikshounary? I use to Google and to Youtube on my own…

So what other services of Google you people use? Anyone tried Google Wave?

no what is google wave ? i use gmail and google chrome

Google language tools is my urgent help when i’m in a chat or reading an article quickly.

  • i never knew there was a safe search mode :no:

Google Wave is all the new rage. You can only use it if you receive an invitation :stuck_out_tongue:

I use:
Google Chrome
Google Docs
Google Books
Google Reader sooooometimes
Google Maps

And I use less the rest.

oh yeah, googke maps too, since i don’t know much about Casa, i needed to find places using google map, like when i wanted to take out my driving liscene & other occasions…

also, that google chrom thing always ask me if i want to install & i say no thnx, i find it often in some softwares that i’m trying to install…

by the way … ca fai un moi plus ou moin g recu une offre de travail avec google earth … mais chui pa interessé puisk le travail sera a casa … alors si kelk1 est interessé je peu lui passé les coordoné , nti a doudi lli fan dial google wave :smiley: why not twelli khdama m3ahom ga3 lol
anyway , homa talbine kelk1 avec un diplom bac+3 au moins , plus ykon tyara f anglais et avec des conaissance fl GIS w chywa dial topografi w biensure ykoun 3ndo permi…
lmohim lli kay3rf chi 7ed interessé … lkhlass rah plus ou moins 15 000 dhs par moi

[quote=Darija-Lover]PB, shame on you for all those months of non-safe-mode-searching. You should repent.
LOL! I agree

google is a simple must when using internet lol seriously wouldn’t know what to do without it and the internet…which is worrying lol

[quote=LallaAïcha][quote=Darija-Lover]PB, shame on you for all those months of non-safe-mode-searching. You should repent.
LOL! I agree[/quote]
stop acting like i did that with purpose :angel:

Google Chrome is just a browser like Firefox. You should try it, it’s not bad.

Did I ever say that I have bac+3?
Does diplome takwaffourit count? Eh? Eh?
I’ll take your compliment on English avec joie.

I don’t imagine my life without the Internet either. And when Gmail and Google are not working for me (happens sometimes in Morocco), I feel disoriented.

loooooooooolllll wa hania … golilhom nti bac +5 , ingenieur dial ch3er :stuck_out_tongue: