Aranglish Poem

…i posted it in this section cuz it’s said in Arabic fos7a. well…it’s aranglish fos7a :^^:
note: the last word in the last second of the video (after “very”) is “motawwali” (very motawwali)


looooool i didnt get the whole thing but the english parts cracked me up “my darrrrling” and “in yur fayys” :smiley:

is the guy in the video the one that reads this poem?

Yeah he is the famous Syrian actor Yassir Al 3athma.

i’ll try to write it for you…

Friendayya walka fi deserti silowlaly (slowly)
Fa inniya fi lovvin greatin musha3lili
Ida anta maa sacrafta (sacrify) fi llovvi (love) 3ashi9an
Raminta (remain) 7azina l heart fi every ma7fali
Tudaareena lovvan in the heart wa innamaa
Through l eyesi in your faci see it clearlaly (clearly)
Sa a9dee 7ayati faythifulan (faithful) li lovviha
Wa chanci (chance) smallun (small) very littli ta7ammuli
Wa lovviya biggun, very biggin believi me, odandinuhu lonely
Alovvoki lovvan, fi l baladdi (blood) masaruhu
Wa heartiya my darling sari3u tarambuli
Fa homiya (my home) Damasun (damascus) wa homoki londonun
wa betweenina distanci very motawwali

loool haaa when its written down i can see how he arabized english words oooh Goood this is clever…

thanks :slight_smile:

loooool :mdr::mdr:

thanks :slight_smile:

wa loooooool