
Could someone please tell me what this means in English!

Wala yhammak, ana fhamt el khatima, lakin essak sghir ba3d almarrat maythammalsh :slight_smile:

This sentence is a mixture of dialects.

“Don’t worry, I understood the conclusion. But the bag is small, sometimes it doesn’t stand (all the stuff I put in).”

[quote=SimplyMoroccan]This sentence is a mixture of dialects.

“Don’t worry, I understood the conclusion. But the bag is small, sometimes it doesn’t stand (all the stuff I put in).”[/quote]
In english, how would I respond:

“Yes, I agree with you. The bag is small, but the bag has our logo on it. I will send the big bag next time. What a waste of money! I hope your day is well!”

If you could, please type this in transliteration.

Thank you so much for your help!

In Moroccan Arabic?

Yes please! :^^:

Ah, mttafqa m3ak. Ssak sghir, walakin fih logo dyalna. Lmrra jjaya ghadi nsift lik ssak lkbir. Khsara diyy3na lflos. Kantmnna lik nhar zwin.

I don’t quite like the part “what a waste of money”. (Khsara diyy3na lflos) Is it you who paid for the bag? Or the lady? If you paid for it and then you say it’s a waste of money, then… how impolite :^^:. If it’s her who paid, and a misunderstanding happened or something, then you can just apologize.
Anyways, if you want to change something in the message, just let me know.
And oh, that’s mttafq instead of mttafqa if you are a guy.

It was actually my company that paid for the bag, and I am saying they wasted their money. :^^:

So that’s like “oh you unsatisfied client, you caused us a waste of money”. A little bad, no?
It’s probably a cultural thing, but I’d rather not say that to a client. My opinion.

And what? You’re not going to introduce yourself yet? You’re our 300th member :^^:.

[quote=SimplyMoroccan]So that’s like “oh you unsatisfied client, you caused us a waste of money”. A little bad, no?
It’s probably a cultural thing, but I’d rather not say that to a client. My opinion.

And what? You’re not going to introduce yourself yet? You’re our 300th member :^^:.[/quote]
Yes, I definitely will introduce myself, as soon as I am finished work!
