apel d'aide a tt les membres

les ami ila jat 3la khatrkom t3awno m3ana njem3o flouss l LA bach dir 3amalyat tejmil lwjeha … bach lhnoud mayb9awch y7enzezo fiha …
bachma sekhakom llah , kolchi ynfe3 derhem , 10 , 100dhs
llah yj3lhalkom f mizan l7assant :slight_smile:

PS- this thread is 2 in 1 :^^: … u can also learn new words and expressions here :wink:

kelma wa7ida: a$$hole

It didn’t make me laugh.
This is not funny.

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LA :stuck_out_tongue:

doudi : matkabari l G w tsaghari D :smiley:

dunno what you’re talking about

noone ever does

pffff that was said in an egyptian movie ( morgan ahmed morgan )

G = gomgoma, D = dmagh

chetti bnadm lli dima 7ader nader kidayr :stuck_out_tongue:
:okay: PB