Algeria vs Egypt - 14/11/2009

Gretchen, it’s both ways sis, and no worries, dima :slight_smile:

hahahhahahahah GIGI looolll there r a lot of arabs here where i live and i try always my best to be faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from them :smiley:

what was it for, and what does it mean?? :unsure:

yeah right no worries :slight_smile:

well, that’s ur own problem I guess :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:
well actually don’t want to generalize cause yeah that happens. divided or united, that’s relative too…

duuude when it comes to chare3 elharam we r united :smiley:
but when it comes to serious problems as Gaza … we r ****** ****** ******* ****** ****** :S sorry this is the truth

Gretchen, lek wlee is lebanese for AY DUUUUDE

syrian too btw :wink:

[quote=Madridista]duuude when it comes to chare3 elharam we r united :smiley:
but when it comes to serious problems as Gaza … we r ****** ****** ******* ****** ****** :S sorry this is the truth[/quote]
well yeah that’s the truth (but not only for elharam ya be nice gigi …ya Mad) did u hear mekkey’s very new song? he said sth like that too…

ahhhaaaaaaa loool no i didnt … u c ? great minds think alike :stuck_out_tongue: … just kabbar el G u too and ull think like us hhh

noooo dont wanna too :stuck_out_tongue: [wad tafeh whayef wfarfoor, meen dah?, elwad elly medy 3la iwan :P]

hahahhahahahahahahahahhhaa amoot wa3raf el wad elly wazzeni 3ala ommy

lolll, do u remember when dabour insulted him at the end, first he told him a long one that was beeped and the second ya 7mar, and he replied wiz anger to the second one only, ana 7mar!! :smiley:

hhahahahahaha yeaaaaah fou2 esoto7 looollll ze3el mn 7mar bs hhhhh

yeah :smiley: lolllll
and before “wa7da keda emaha zarefa hanem… emaha latifa hanem mathalan…eih dah enta te3rafha? a loooooong pause :D” wow, gr8 i studied the movie :okay: hope likewise wiz Shakes’ poems :stuck_out_tongue:

hahahahahhahahaha wallahi e7na day3in lazem nechtaghal f cima hhhhhh
elfilm dah etlatach meni f sanat 1976 hhhhhhh

:smiley: stopp it ya mad, everytime u remind me of sth else, film to7faaaaa
remeber their first scene together [yadkhol 3alyhe qonfod qa2elan “Beautiful”] :smiley:

hhahahahahahahahahahahhaha yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh i liked 9onfod hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
howa 2olly enta 7atroo7 ezzay blebssak dah ???

faker fe akher elfilm, kalosha: fe3lan lazem te7la2…3ashan sha3rak twel :smiley:
I love Same7 7seen so much, he’s so funny…

yeah yeah but lame ive never seen him f botola motla9a l film

he made a series in ramadan, but didnt watch it btw