hey ppl the 10 best days ever are comin soooooon … allah loves these days , so be prepared to fast and do good things … may allah accept it all from u incha allah 
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? : « ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???»? ??? ??? ??? ? ??? : ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ? ??? « ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? » .
plz check ur local calender … coz for me it starts wednesday ( tomorrow ze3ma ) …
speaking of fasting, are u guys gonna fast 3arafa kbira or 3arafa sghira ?
i know, it’s lame, there’s no such thing as kbira & sghira, but people (especialy old & unlearned ones) refer to them like that, this happens when ThuL7ijja does not start in the same day in Maghreb area as middle east. we’re supposed to fast the day people stand in 3arafa, but some people in Morocco fast in ThuL7ijja 9th :huh: refering to the day people stood as 3arafa kbira, & to Thu L7ijja 9th as 3arafa sghira :no:
I’m gonna fast 8th (in case the month did not start the same day) Insha’Allah, what about you ?
i find it stupid too … coz if u consider 3arafa the day when l7ujaj goes to the mountain 3arafa … then ur gonna fast the 8th day of dul7ijja in morocco … and in the other hand 3arafa is defined as the 9th day of dul7ijja … which means that evryone has his own 3arafa loooll
anyway we have argued about this many times ago … personally i think ( and im not sure about that … im not givin a fatwa i repeaaaaaat ) u must choose either u fast the day of 3arafa in saudi arabia … of the day of 3arafa of morocco … coz if u fast the first 3arafa with saudia the other day when u’ll be fasting the 9th day of dul7ijja ur actually fastin the day of Eid which is 7araaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmm
what i used to do is fastin till the 8th day of dul7ijja in morocco which is the day of 3arafa in mecca and i stop … then i do the eid with morocco after two days
It just doesn’t mean anything to fast today while people stood in 3arafa yesterday, i mean it’s not about the 9th day, it’s about the 7ujjaj standing up there in the sun…so logically we should fast while they’re there.
in another meaning, it’s not like the 3id, the 3id we’re supposed to sacrifice the 10th day not the day people sacrifice in Saudi. same for fasting Ramadan, we’re supposed to fast starting from the day we see the crescent not the day people fast in Saudia.
3arafa has no sacrifice no cresent, it has people standing on the mount therefore we fast that day not the day before…
Allah yhdi had nass.
Let’s hope Thu L7ijja 1st be wednesday in the whole world (or thursday)
yes but the 7ujjaj doesnt stand in 3arafa whenever they like … they do it the 9th day of dul7ijja … pffffffffffffffffff bullshit im always lost with this stuff … rebbi kbir w inama l a3malo bi nyat 
They are the Hujjaj not us, so we follow them.
they have to stand in 3araf because it’s 9th, we have to fast because they’re standing…it should be that simple.
henina daba w gouli ach galo fl meghrib 
ghda wla machi ghda ?
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh l3eeeezzzz
com d’hab
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1 - ??? ?? ??? . 2 - ??? ?? ??? .
3 - ??? ?? ??? . 4 - ??? ??? .
5 - ??? ???. 6 - ??? ?? ??? ??? .
7 - ??? ??? ??? . 8 - ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? .
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