jib libghiti akhay
y ok akhay
r 3andi 7ta chritat
wa3adek chi wahda twila daba ra chahhaftini
y aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
r w 3acha ky3aytli mabghitchi njawbo
y wash hadi lkhozirat wla
belladonna you don’t have to post the same thing twice for people to notice it, just be patient and someone will come by
Ok thanks for that advice.
I will TRY to translate this, i am totally clueless with most of it
jib libghiti akhay = get whatever u want bro
y ok akhay = ok bro
r 3andi 7ta chritat = i even have some purchases (chritat = purchases?)
wa3adek chi wahda twila daba ra chahhaftini = “wa3adek” a long one now “chahhaftini”
y aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh = ahhhhhhhh
r w 3acha ky3aytli mabghitchi njawbo = and “3acha ky3aytli” … I don’t want to reply (???)
y wash hadi lkhozirat wla = is this “lkhozirat” or not?
Thanks very much!
does that mean
you’ve made me so tired
literally: you’ve made me thirsty
wa3adek: and also
ky3aytli: he calls me
lkhozirat: algeciras " city in spain"