another expression : lehla ye7yik !!!
Mad, no showing off wala 7aga, ana bas just guessed, wel youmen dol my guesses mesh f m7laha khales
DL, ana aslan mn cairo w gam3et 3in shams taba3na, laken gam3et elqahira taba3 elgiza (ya3ni elly saken hnak yeb2a lo el priority eno edres feha)
w btw merci 3ala trgmet el idioms elmasri bel darija. mashya enty ma3aya 3al khat
aho ba2a delwa2ti ana akhrog menha … el 7arim ma3a ba3daha btetfahem
and as blmejdoub said :
ya dakhel sou9 nsa red balek yweriwk mn rbe7 9ntar w ydiwlk rass malk
Just to add an extension to this expression:
Lehla yye7yik, wala ynemmik, wala yetwwel zzman 3lik.
Gretchen, I told you, 7qqk mdmoun haki (loollll like in Fnaire’s song)
Madridista, dkhoul l7mmam b7al khroujou? Shedd lard galak.
You saw that movie? Kid ennsa. Or was that sentence used in 3icha Dwiba? Another great movie.
yeah it was used in 3isha dwiba but its from blmejdoub’s Poem ( i heart this poet )
Post it post it post it post it post it…
I like that kind of Darija used in those almost “historical” movies
looooooooooooll i cant now i have the book in my parents house
but i can find chi abyat dialo
btw my signature is one of them
Well, there is an invention called “the Internet”, maybe you can use that
I was intrigued about your signature and wanted to ask about it. This guy of yours seems to hold some grudge against women.
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah he was soooooooooooooooooooooo sexist
ps- u cant find his book in the net … only few poems of hims are published and im lookin for them wait
Looooooooooollllll @ of hims
Yeah I agree with DL
I think that is the common thing between that poet as well mr Mad.
When you quoted his verse, I got the feeling that you like to read these type of poems because of ur sig. Didnt know that he’s the same person u’re always quoting from…
im not sexist i repeat i heart women
@DL llah ykhelik dima da7ka
LOL add to that how everyone shorten his nickname to Mad, it creates a whole halo of madness around him.
A malek m3a l3iyalat ahya madridista?
Note to Gretchen: 3ialat is women, plural of mra, woman.
Et Madridista qui se ratrappe, waaaaa hadafffff!
Rebbi yekhellik, the same for you :).
mamalich m3a l3yalat la ta7lou l7ayat men dounihinna
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la matkhafich 3la khouk mwelleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefff
If you say so