A quick "safe travels" translation into Moroccan

Hello, friends! Thank you SO much for all of your help with translations as I learn to read, write and speak Moroccan! You’re the BEST!

How would one write in Moroccan? (p.s. the note is to our family friend who is a man)
[color=#EE113D]I wish you safe travels, my friend. Maybe I’ll stop by the coffee shop this week to see you and catch up![/color]

Thanks a WHOLE bunch for your translation help!

Tri9 salama. (I don’t translate friend sahbi cauz it would be too colloquial)
Yemken ndouz lel 9ahwa had simana bach nchoufek w ndakrou

Thank you! I will say “sahbi” because that’s what the guys say to each other. (A Rabat word, maybe?)
Also, when I say “sahbi” to them, it just means “friend”, right? Not boyfriend.
They told me there isn’t a word for boyfriend, really…
I call my boyfriend “sahbi dyali” just to be cute-- hehe. I hope it makes sense!

Also, I have memorized SO MANY verbs in Moroccan, but I have a hard time conjugating them correctly. I think I’m going to be speaking in past-tense forever!! (That seems the easiest to get a handle of!!)

I use two of Harrell’s textbooks, and do the exercises, but the vocabulary seems old and the Moroccans I’m around (Rabat friends) usually have a different word! I watch Moroccan tv online-- that helps, too! :slight_smile: I just feel like it’s taking FOREVER to learn. I’ve been studying for almost a year and still can only have basic conversations… I think that’s a PERFECT excuse to vacation in Morocco-- an EXTENDED vacation!! hehe.

Thank you, guys, for ALL of your help! I had never posted until recently. I find that if I do my own translations, and then ask you all, I can make corrections to my sentences and learn!! You’re the best!! Thanks.

glad it helps :slight_smile: I have some additional comments
the word sahbi means my friend the ‘i’ @ the end of ‘sahb’ is the masculin possessive form
ex: cup - kass - kassi
you use ‘ti’ @ the end of the feminine possessive form
ex: car - tomobil - tomobilti

Here is a reminder of how to conjugate in Moroccan.

  1. First you have the past form that you should know. ex: daz (to pass by)
    ana dazt
    nta dazti
    howa daz
    hiya dazet

7na dazna
ntouma daztou
homa dazou

  1. Futur form is simple you add ‘ghadi’ before the past form

ana ghadi ndouz
nta ghadi tdouz
howa ghadi ydouz
hiya ghadi tdouz

7na ghadi ndouzou
ntouma ghadi tdouzou
homa ghadi ydouzou

You can conjugate a verb and I can correct it for you. the best thing to do to progress is to do exercises :slight_smile:

Wow, Pakyrus, thanks!
Do you teach in some aspect in real life?! hehe.
I’m an ESL teacher for little ones learning English!
You do an excellent job restating the conjugations and making things extra-clear!
I speak Spanish fluently, so that seems to help a little bit with vocabulary and the French/Spanish cross over.

[color=#EF0FDD]Is there any way you could post the present verb conjugations, too?[/color]
That’s what I want to use most and it’s hard to add a beginning AND an ending!!
“Ash kid diri?” I get asked ALL the time and I want to automatically have a CORRECT response without having to think FOREVER!! :slight_smile:

Is it always a prefix n- for 1st person, t- for 2nd person and i- for 3rd person, and then change the suffixes accordingly, too?
If I memorize the conjugation will they be correct in most cases, with few irregulars?
Thank you so much for your language coaching!! I SO appreciate it! :slight_smile:

p.s. I hadn’t even studied future yet, and that tense seems super-easy to pick up on now that I know!! Kind of like the Spanish “fake future” where you add “going to” in front of the verb. Thanks!

Also, a clarification on “week”…
Is it better to use “simana” or “usbuah”?

Do you happen to know if simana is more Spanish/French or from a different area than usbuah?

simana is better and you’re right it has spanish origins.
usbua3 is fit for standard arabic.

  1. Present form is simple too you add ‘ka’ before the verb
    ana ka ndouz
    nta ka tdouz
    howa ka ydouz
    hiya ka tdouz

7na ka ndouzou
ntouma ka tdouzou
homa ka ydouzou

ex2 you can compare it with the present form of ‘kla’ ‘to eat’ you’ll see that there is a similar pattern there
ana ka nakl
nta ka takl
howa ka yakl
hiya ka takl

7na ka naklou
ntouma ka taklou
homa ka yaklou

Never noticed the similarity between the spanish form of future Ir + Verbo and the moroccan form ghadi + verb
Glad you pointed it out I never noticed it before :slight_smile:
PS: I am learning spanish too so if you’re interested in an ‘intercambio’ arabic-spanish/english let me know

okay-- nice! Thank you!

And this is also different from the present indicative?
Like when they say, “kooli, kooli” for “eat, eat?” Or “shufi” for “look?”

Is there a whole DIFFERENT conjugation pattern for that?
Or just two ways, masculine and feminine?

You are really helping a LOT-- thanks BUNCHES!!! :slight_smile:

Ah, pues, me GUSTARIA compartir nuestras ideas en espanol, tambien! Es que estoy tan comoda con el lenguaje espanol y hace muchos anos que he hablado los dos (ingles y espanol) y por eso estoy un poco frustrada en la dificultez del arabia marocain:) Las lestras y los sonidos son tan diferentes del ingles-- hehe!

Choukran bzzf ala musaada! Bslama!

“kooli” for “eat” & “shufi” for “look” are not indicative forms it’s the equivalent in spanish of imperative. you conjugate them like in spanish with you (tu) & you (vosotros)

ex: kool (sing, masc) - kooli (sing, fem) - koolou (plur)
ex: shuf (sing, masc) - shufi (sing, fem) - shufou (plur)
ex: douz (sing, masc) - douzi (sing,fem) - douzou (plur)