A few words and phrases that I don't understand

Can someone translate the following for me please? I’m slowly learning Darija but these are single words/phrases from text messages that I’m still trying to figure out.

  1. jidan
  2. lihada
  3. kanchoukrak - is this ‘I thank you’?
  4. kangou
  5. Achorok lianaki faalti kolo chay min ajli aidan bihobiki li
  6. dayman
  7. raki zouina aziza alaia
  8. tshatani
  9. Jaoubni arjouk lakad nadamt aan izajik ini (bezaf hazin)
  10. . . . hata tania wahida

Choukran in advance! :^^:

  1. too much
  2. this is why
  3. I thank you
  4. I say
  5. I thank you because you did everything for me too
  6. always
  7. you’re beautiful and I like you n
  8. tshatani
  9. Jaoubni arjouk lakad nadamt aan izajik ini (bezaf hazin)
  10. . . . also one second

Thank you Pakyrus, that’s really helpful :slight_smile:

This sounds more like standard arabic instead of darija

  1. Jaoubni arjouk lakad nadamt aan izajik ini

would translate i think to…
Please reply i regret that I am bothering you

(I think not sure )

Ah, choukran - that does make sense in the context! Surprises me that it’s standard Arabic though, as the person who sent me the message knows I would only be considering it as Darija (and that’s confusing me quite enough at the moment!) :hm: