7amma9tini, malni etc.

lol fekertini f RTM :smiley: mora akhbar l akhira tchaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaachhhhhhhhh
looooooll yakma l okht khedama temmma

looooooooooool what the hellllll happened to my thread hhhhhhhh

now you all owe me a tortilla each

lol ana njiblk me39ouda :stuck_out_tongue: kancheje3 lmantouj lwatani :^^:

m39ouda from your hands? noooooooooooooo thanks

lol no from my mom’s hands :slight_smile:

ok ok then i can’t decline it, just pleaaaaaase don’t lay your hands on it at alllllll i want it to be bacteria-free until it reaches me

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh duuuude u cant eat it without vitamin-ikh :stuck_out_tongue:
aint gonna be delicious

only found in species called madridistaicus which are found in deserty areas of Morocco, and sometimes at loser RM matches
but they need to be freshly picked and sliced
or else the vitamin disappears

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no thats serious lol in slang we call it vitamin-ikh :stuck_out_tongue:
its when ur eatin in a snak or retaurant and ur sure the food is dirty :smiley: and u say waaaaaawww bniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnn :stuck_out_tongue: ur friend says ohhh its normal it has vitamin-ikh hhhhhh

loooool new slang for my list

but tell me whyyyyy would someone eat a food knowing its dirty whyyyyyyyyyyyy

duuuude i dont mean by dirty diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirty ze3ma looll its only when the cooker doesnt wash his hands lol when he touch his nose while cookin :stuck_out_tongue:

that’s still diiiiiiiiiiiiiirty ya3am

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh duuude thats vitamin ikh :stuck_out_tongue: we cant do nothin hhhhh
no seriously in morocco we call dirty even the junk food … maybe its sooo clean but since it is unhealthy we consider it a vitamin-ikh

hooooo ok ok ok shoukriya for the info


wach kayn chi moulay m3a9ouda mafihach vitamin ikh 3mri macheft wa7ida

ach men idee?
daba nta cherah liya had lmara[/quote]
iwa achmin idee. b7al icon. the best wa3ir bzaaaaf

[quote=Za3ma]tssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht tsssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
u just lost za3ma


ma fhamt hetta la3ba[/quote]
jjjjjjjj mskina choufi ana lli blasti flkozina al7a9ach ana lgarcon, lmaitre d, ldo you want fries with that lli bghiti jjjjjjjjjj

wa3r…no i/kasra (_)

allahi y7afdak PB&J