7amma9tini, malni etc.

I’d like the translations of the following bleeeez :smiley:

  • 7mma9tini (you made me crazy?)

  • maqsadtch

- malni

- l3anzi

- 3ad jaya men lhajj ou kat kmi cigarre (she just came from hajj and she smokes?)

And i’d like to know the darija equivalent of the following:

- ears

- do you remember?

- i’m just a beginner

- give me a break

thanksssss :slight_smile:

  • 7mma9tini (you made me crazy?)…or “you made me go crazy” :ok:

  • maqsadtch…I didn’t mean

  • malni…what’s with me, what’s wrong with me / what that has to do with me

  • l3anzi…never heard of it !!! maybe it’s “l3azzi” = black person (not polite to say 3azzi though), however, when some people call their friend “3azwa” or “drawi” he doesn’t care that much, cuz he’s sure its not out of racism…as u know, the skin color is of no big deal for Moroccans.

  • 3ad jaya men lhajj ou kat kmi cigarre (she just came from hajj and she smokes?) is smoking a cigarette

  • ears…wdneen (singular=wden)

  • do you remember?..3a9l ? or 39alti ?

  • i’m just a beginner…ana ghir mobtadi2

  • give me a break…if it’s not in its leterar meaning (i mean if it’s that “gimme a break”, it should be…hannini or hannina safi, can also be rette7ni or rette7na…

3ad jaya men lhajj ou kat kmi cigarre =========== maybe it’s also being addressed to some1
you just came…

gimme a break ==== 3atini betisa3

use it on mad next time :fouet:

waaa thanks soooooooooooo much PB!!! and za3ma too for your addition

i just have a few more q’s:

  • bgha ydabar 3la rasso - he wants to hit on his head??? lol don’t think so

  • haydi

  • hna vs. hnaya (why do some people say hnaya and not hna?)

  • bandooga (not sure if this is moroccan, and if it’s rude or not)

and i want a darija translation for these, if possible:

  • what’s it to you? (like, when you don’t want to answer a question, so you say “mind your own business” or “what’s it to you?”)
    example: how old are you? - what’s it to you?

  • everyone’s looking at me

- follow me

thanks bzzaaffff guys, walla i appreciate all your help so much :slight_smile: :rose:

  • bgha ydabar 3la rasso - he wants to hit on his head??? lol don’t think so

====> looolllll thats an idiom so u cant understand it word by word … generally it means he wants assure his future or life … like when someone is flirting with a rich woman , we say bgha ydeber 3la rasso … plz dont confuse it with ‘‘ydabar rasso’’ which means ‘’ he can do whatever he likes’’

  • haydi ===> if it is not the name lol it can mean ‘‘hadi’’ but in a girlish a way lol … also if the H was a 7 it is the verb 7eyed = take off

  • hna vs. hnaya (why do some people say hnaya and not hna?) = the same thing , question of accents
    ive been always criticized by my friends , coz in meknes we say anaya instead of ana , hnaya …

  • bandooga (not sure if this is moroccan, and if it’s rude or not) ===> i have no idea , maybe its a new slang word

and i want a darija translation for these, if possible:

  • what’s it to you? (like, when you don’t want to answer a question, so you say “mind your own business” or “what’s it to you?”)
    example: how old are you? - what’s it to you?

====> diha frassk , massou9ekch , sou9ek ? , w nta malek …

  • everyone’s looking at me = kolchi kaychouf fia , koulchi 7adini …

  • follow me = tbe3ni

PS : in ur first post u asked about l3anzi , yak ? well , thats a kind of meat … i dont remember what is it exactly , wach dial l7ouli wla dial me3za … i’ll check that later and let u know

thankssss a mad :okay:

about bandooga, im sure its not moroccan.

loooll ok if u say it

What’s it to you = w nta malek
mind your own business = diha f rassek.

dabbar 3la raso = also can mean “to gain sth”

That’s l ma3zi

double post

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj @ mad “l3anzi is meat”

if it’s true
then it’s 1 hillarious word

mad is officially a danone kid for saying anaya
anaya mad w villa dyalna kayna temmaya w hnaya jarda

no i said l3anzi … i know that lma3zi exists :wink:

@ za3ma
:smiley: wa rah deja gotlik ana weld danone :stuck_out_tongue: s7abk b7alk … l3dess 3la sba7 :s w lgouté li konti katdi lmedrassa :smiley: machi kan mer9a w btata f ness khobza hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

bnin sandwich dyal betata bard

so no one knows what ma39ouda is then…tell me plz someone…i dont want to be the only one who is not a ould danoun :blink:

me39ouda is 100% meknassi :^^:
i love it :stuck_out_tongue: and especially if i buy it from moulay bba the best one ever :smiley:

i think ur me3qouda is sweet
achmin’s has eggs or something

What is m39ooda made of ?

wa fin a sahbi
dir idiki m3ana mara mara

taheyati n3am as…
i mean
n3am a sidi

me39ouda is btata met7ouna fennedha f eggs then t7ine w 9liha f zite

mad knows it…its from central i guess…i always eat it in fes but its also for sure in darlbeida but not as many places…

@ PB: just batatas w zeit akhayna…min ba3d bikhtiyarak…dir fi sandouicha, m3a soss, beid, lli kayn
