3 translations please :)

i posted this in the wrong place initially…so i am reposting :slight_smile:

just a few translations…

wakha fik

wach meti?

ga3 matjawebch ana rdebt 3lik ga3 mashablia ntaia haka


Don’t worry about that, I would have moved it to the right forum.

wakha fik --> Or wakha 3lik is an expression used to threaten someone of taking a revenge for example. But it’s not always a serious thing. It doesn’t mean that you’re going to hurt someone.

wach meti? = Did you die?

ga3 matjawebch ana rdebt 3lik ga3 mashablia ntaia haka = Don’t bother to answer, I am mad at you. I never thought that you were like this.

shokran bezef! :slight_smile: