What is your current favorite song?


OMG!!! I was listening to this song few days ago as i missed it SO much, & u know remembering old days…etc :smiley:
I guess i played it on the day u posted it here :stuck_out_tongue: lol

it’s so niicccee i love it

all right le me share this one, it’s for a moroccan rap band from Kenitra called “ach l7ale” it is for the moroccan team with wavin falg remix…
i understand walou in fact of the song!! i guess some parts only, anyway here it is

omg this is a copy of another song but whaaaaaaaaaat was it :confused: i hate when i hear a beat and can’t remember what it was :S

you mean Kanaan’s “Wavin Flag”?!!

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS that’s it :slight_smile: i didn’t know its name until now but heard it a million times.

I love this :wave: and Greeny too of course

From his new album:

get rhythm - Joaquin Phoenix - Johnny Cash cover


I am listening back street boys songs. This is my favorite Band.



Did anyone get a glimpse of the Perseid meteor showers last night?
The picture below was taken in Spain yesterday.

Shooting stars like the ones above can be seen till the 22nd of august.
Beautiful eh? Djamel Laroussi wrote a song about it. It’s called “etoile filante”, quite appropriately. My favourite song at the moment. Enjoy.
[sub]wah ya djilali dawi hali wah ya dellali yali yali wah ya Djilali dawi hali wah ya delali yali yalil[/sub]
[sub]wah ya dellali yali yal[/sub]

luv the pic! amazing:okay:


I like your post about current favourite songs.I like to listen all kind of songs like romantic, sad song, classical, pop and many more songs. My current favourite song is Oh Africa.

Hello! =)))
Dan Balan - Chika Bomb

Hindi Zahra | Beautiful Tango. Current favourite.

Mark Ronson - wearing lacoste shoes - and the business international
go back to the eighties in ‘Bang Bang Bang’. Current favourite. Enjoy.

I love acoustic…:^^:


Any blues’ fan outta here?
