What is your current favorite song?

looool 3aboudi haaaahaaaaa

yalla take this pill :stuck_out_tongue:

lol :smiley:
oh really it’s a fever, I’m sick with him; his song, voice, lyrics, music everything is amazing…
look, I’m officially obsessed :s :stuck_out_tongue:

looool ok, how about i kidnap him for you, will that calm down your fever??

lol :smiley: dunno, put yourself in my shoes, did that happened to you wiz Isam B? If yeah, what did you do to get rid of that obsession? lol
I guess by time, riight?

yeeees time is the best medicine wellahilaaa :smiley:

yeahhh, so i’ve to wait, but it’s a nice fever anyway :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: lollll

btw, i’m gonna send u the song of the film of my signature, i’m saving it on FB and i’m on it now, seconds, ok? :slight_smile: (u’r gonna lyyyyyk it inchallah ;), i hope)

haha ok i’m waiting :smiley:

Found :slight_smile:


haaaahahaaa did you see the “those eyebrows” comment

nice oldie song :smiley: Ays Krim in Dacemberrrr :smiley: its cute, thanks gigi

u’re welcome sis. Glad u liked it :slight_smile:


I never knew Saudi rap existed


btw gretchy, his hair is chwia b7al griny’s… please don’t fall in love, one fever is enough :stuck_out_tongue:

OMG!! stop it girl :stuck_out_tongue:
i love griny because he is moroccan. is there any girl with my name love someone called abdelfatah and grini ??? :stuck_out_tongue: i first saw him on mbc on an interview i was like :s my bro said he’s a winner in sth and he’s moroccan i then became like, ohhhh!! :smiley: (and then it turned into obsession)

and yeah there’s saudi rap, sudanese rap, lebanese, jordan, palestinian of course, and guess what moroccan :stuck_out_tongue: (i know u know that)and i know that Klash and al7amdulellah i hate him :slight_smile: My fave rapper so far is Mekkey, Alkayssar, MTM, ONLY :wink:

who’s MTM and whyyyyyyy al kayssar? there are MUCH better moroccan rappers than kayssar ya benty…

BY THE WAY, i don’t blame you :stuck_out_tongue:

oh and i heard klash swears a lot and this is like the only decent track of his

oooooh MTM hhahahaha i used to like them
ommy msafra w 3ayez a3mel 7afla loooooollll

i just heard one song for klash and didnt complete it even, lol
I’ll get you a niceeeee song for MTM :smiley: they’re an egyptian cool young rappers (4m Alex btw) but they’ve been absent for a long while :frowning:
I really want to check ur topic about moroccan rappers, I know there’re better and more famous, bt kinda lazy to do that, althu it’s gud for my darija too i believe

well in morocco we believe that we have the best rappers in the arabic world … dunno if it is true or not … but i heard it in a program in aljazeera too

seems u hear what U like to hear in programs that have J letter :stuck_out_tongue: like Ajial too (secret: I didnt knew b4 that the program is called Ajial before I’ve heard it few days ago from the presentor, samed his name, right? :s dont tell any1, ok :P)

here it is MTM (telephony byren tereren tereren tereren, 3amal yezen) :smiley:


looool yeah he is samed … btw i hate him and i hate the girl with him grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr