there’s a song I’ve already posted over here on another thread, i’ll quote it for you just seconds to get it for you…
it’s ok, I’ll leave when I find quietness and silence overwhelmed the boards
there’s a song I’ve already posted over here on another thread, i’ll quote it for you just seconds to get it for you…
it’s ok, I’ll leave when I find quietness and silence overwhelmed the boards
lollll who needs sleep? forget it
ok im waiting sis
I need it at the morning when it’s time to go out
ouuuh, found it
LOOOOOLL i love his outfits xD he seems cool
omggg he does that leg thing toooo, where they jump and make their two legs hit each other… its around at 3:10, i wanna learn how to do it toooo wait, lemme try and come back
yeah he’s cool, i love his songs
btw, if you noticed l8ly I started not to call you shohso, cause I remembered stimes over here they call chytan shosho, when they’re talking un-seriously. I forget it at all, till I was listening to a song by Mekkey himself for ramadan where he said shosho
sorry 7abebty, but as i said we say it when mentioning chytan in a funny situations, u know…If i found it on utube i’ll post it, it’s all 1 minute btw
LOLLLL i never knew that, maybe that’s why mad insists im the big chaytan… stupid kid
yeah if you say he’s cool, then he must be
no i dont know if mad knows about that too or not, I just hear it in a msri comedy play and that song, but not sure if Moroccans borrowed it from us or not yet
lol ok, thanks for sharing all that stuff with us, its a pleasure listening to them
Du Maghreb… jusqu’a la France, jusqu’a l’afrique :hah:
Maghreb United, by rimKa
[quote=Gretchen]yeah he is. U know him too Aicha ^o)
I wonder they’re famous, or you’re a special case of following arabic songs??
btw, I’ve watched that salahidin’s song (as if i’ve seen his name in one of OL’s track) anyway, yeah he didn’t say my name, but my sister’s and my cat’s he also says the name of my email…I like it btw
I’ll post the sole song where my name is said, it has Samira too btw if she wanted to hear it :)[/quote]
Yes plz i want to hear it
James Izmad Ft. K-Reen - Girls
Lollll i have no idea what he’s saying BUT did you hear him say “citchy” instead of “city”? :mdr:
Here it is, hope you’ll like it
Shine on you crazy diamon - Pink floyd <— never gets old :^^:
Hahaha yes i heard that xD
Here it is, hope you’ll like it
Danke danke, cool song ;P, i recognize the melody from somewhere…
LMAO! his accent is so cute
113 - Tonton de bled: Cool french-darija song, beautiful memories