What is your current favorite song?

why are you saying that?? :neu:

:cry: i read it between ur lines

what did you read [ya fase7]?
Anyway i was speaking spontaneously, not meaning anyone herself or himself

nooooooooooooooooo u did :frowning:

if i meant, then I didnt mean a particular person, and on the specific side, what you does that provoked me I’ve already let you know what they were, no matter if you read them or not…
safi ya3ni :slight_smile:

hahahahahahah dude even if u meant it i wont care that much :stuck_out_tongue:
i was just kiddin with u … ur right if u gimme her FB u’ll lose her forever hhhhhhhhh and then i’ll lose u ( :no: i dont want that , i still need u to show me lharam :stuck_out_tongue: )

yeah I know you wont care that much [mkabar el G w mrawa2 el D 3al akher enta] (it was like that right, i forget it, i only remember tannech tan3ach ta3ech)

elharam doesn’t need a guide, but if u mean nightclubs so u’re expecting me to go such places?!!

ofcourse u wont go … i meant ur brother :stuck_out_tongue: … he can go with me ,no ?

well i dont know what happens there exactly to tell if he will or not, but as long as you’ve heard kol kheer so he won’t cause he’s not like you :stuck_out_tongue:

hahahah dude dont care i’ll take him to sayida nzour after :stuck_out_tongue:

you know nothing about Egypt!!!
feen lharam w fen esayeda? hadi f mo7afda w hadik fe mo7afda okhora ga3 (?)

thats better than goin back home with all that sins :smiley:

i dont know why all ur convos with me ends about lharam???
[7aram 3lik bgad]

looll lolll ok ok akhir marra :slight_smile: 7arramt

whatever, [bas asly badaye2 shwya]…

awe duuude wellah i didnt mean that :frowning: i know that elharam is full of foreigners not egyptians
safi ma3mri njbedlik lharam ga3 :slight_smile: safi ya laban ?

foreigners more than egyptians…at least egyptians are not like that, well half of them, even so few, but it hurts anyway to say it in your face :roll:
ok safi, makynch ay mochkel ga3

lool aint gonna answer u … i promised manjbedch hadik blassa ga3 :slight_smile:

just didnt understand “manjbedch” but thanks anyway for ur promise…

manjbedch is the verb jbed = to pull
but we use it also to mean = to involve