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ufffffffff dont tell me samu pls im serious
yes LA duaa is the only thing tht is for free just let him but still mad u have to make some good duaa u know what i mean i hope

lol samia i knowwwwww but we’re talking about HIS du3as, they’re not normal dou3as you know it akhty :smiley:

lol yeah not normal at all hhh

yeah yeah yeah i got u LA
you madi dont call me that ok??

what :open_mouth:
do u mean samu ??? :stuck_out_tongue:

shut up never call me that pls i started to hate that nick and i have my reasons pls madi

lol ok ok ok but u gotta change ur nick in SM :stuck_out_tongue: … anb9a nchoufo ayakolni fommi ngoulhalk lollll

samosh admin’s gonna change it soon, just sabr chwia :slight_smile:

yaaaaaay i cant wait i really to hate that nick i have some memories with it yukh
thnx hbiba alot :^^:

y a pas de quoi :wink:

huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge kiss

and one for the left cheek too plzzzzz :stuck_out_tongue:

yes sure (^_^)

soukran a7biba :hap:

ur welcome zin dial SM

yaaaaaaaaaaaaay kisses in SM :stuck_out_tongue: where is mine :smiley:

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj not even in ur dreams dear. walakin rak 3ziz walah

:hap: i know :stuck_out_tongue:

jjjjjjjjj lying is haraaaam in islaaaam a samosh :smiley:

hmmmmmmmmmmm i didnt aisha but guess what nti 3ziza 3liya waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than him of course