Moroccan RAP - HIPHOP

Ignored :stuck_out_tongue:

Salah Edin Ft. Sefyu - Tfoe!

by the way LA i like your new pic, it’s cute :slight_smile:

[quote=LallaAïcha]For those that heart cheb douzi’s music… its not hiphop or rap though, ssshh

absoultely LOVE this song!!!

Thanks Tafoukti :hap:

mini, great minds… have similar taste :stuck_out_tongue: jk

hahaha LOL tell me about it haha :stuck_out_tongue:




ANyone else meltingggggg?


^^so good, he got skills

and need to download “AMINE “Tu ne m’as pas laissé le choix” version arabe” ASAP :smiley:

back to the roots


Nice video, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that all Moroccan rappers or muslim rappers in general follow this path, I’m sure some of them don’t even care about their roots, and you can see that with their lyrics… but anyway, thanks for the vid, made me feel proud of being a Muslim gangster :mdr: joke.

hahahhahaha im imagining u a gangsta with ur 7ijab and a mic doin break dance hahahahha i’ll be the DJ

LOOOOL exactly!!! the only person that calles me gansgta is my bro and that’s coz the music i listen to gives that impression… but i’m not, & I cant breakdance for jack, but i can do hand-stands xD

looooooolllll ur crazy
i bet ur bro didnt c u listenin to cheba douzi , he would call u retarded wuahahahahahahahh

hhhhhhh did you mean to say cheba douzi??? you’re so meannn

did you mean talented? i bet you can’t do the hand-stands!! they’re not easy

hahahhaha duuuuude dont make me use my imagination loollll that makes me laugh

and yeah i find douzi so girlish :stuck_out_tongue:

duuuuuuuude this is what a hand-stand is, just in case you’re thinking something else … please put your imagination away :smiley:

Of course, mine is much better :stuck_out_tongue:

hhhhhh yeah thats d same thing i imaginated except that u were wearin a squirt looooollll

LOL, you mean skirt xD don’t be a 7mar, pants do exist too.

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i told u i have a naughty imagination