I am the only one online

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ayse i told u i dont use soaps :stuck_out_tongue:
always body gel :^^:

uhmmmm who gave you permission to call me ayse???

:neu: soghy

PB started it, we better bash him :^^:

hahahahaha yeah good idea :stuck_out_tongue:

and then when we’re finished bashing him, we will bash you… and after it i will jump in a taxi and run away so u two cant bash me… good idea yak, im so smart jjjj

i just love it how mad inadvertently shares his own experiences with us… keep them coming :D[/quote]
“Deeb ma y3awd ghyr lli jralih” :ok:

PB stop teachin her a sat lol she always use those things against me :s

hhhhhh no akhoya teach me llah ykhllik :smiley:

just translate what you wrote and forever gratfeul i will be :stuck_out_tongue:

The “wolf” only narrates what’s happened to him :^^: <— Moroccan proverb

WNNAS! 3lach khlitoni? i’m all alone now
…yet life goes on without me :hm:

Here I come mimi :wink: :smiley:

woohoo :smiley:

you saved me gretchen, from dying of boredom!!

thanks :slight_smile:
but in fact i’ll have to go too now (have a date with Godot :stuck_out_tongue: lol)

lol niceee :stuck_out_tongue:

lolllll :smiley: okay
nice to meet you anyway :slight_smile:

nice meeting you too :hap:

…bou7di 3owtani…
i need some friends and a life. :unsure:

ghir anaya =(






oopsss not anymore