Darija test/exam N°1

llah ya3tik saha khoya, great idea :okay: bsse7 im sooooooooo busy these days so this will take me ages to do :unsure:

lol when i read “how many characters are there”, i thought u meant characters as in how many letters and i was like wech!!! :sh:

which means? :unsure:[/quote]
na9la : little pieces of paper with small sripts, that students use to cheat in exams ![/quote]
lol no problem ustad. i do it clean
and inchallah once i get it done i’ll bug you about it… that will be in a few months :smiley:

Good job, PB. Thank you.
I personally would have preferred to see the raw text pasted here, instead of images.
I am also curious to see how many people will be interested in working on the exam, and take up the challenge.

Done editting

Thank u Mr Ma7moud :slight_smile:

Where are my answer you koosala :hit:

I’ve just sent mine. There’re mistakes and 1 question i didn’t answer, the thing I’ve never done in my life…

Shokran, didn’t pay attention to that :blush: cuz i corrected them in the images only & i forgot about the Word document…
w yarit tesalla7i el post beta3ik kaman, 3ashan el fasl kollo 3irif inn el gomal ************** :fouet:

Sent to where ? didn’t recieve anything !!! :no:

Okay m7moud. done!

Sent to where ? didn’t recieve anything !!! :no:[/quote]
Oh Lord!! I pmed them to you, they must have been gone to the junk/bulk mail, not the inbox!!! Did you re-check them? cause I think I didnt keep a draft of my answers on my pc :s

Sorry Gigi :no: , i checked them again, nothing :roll:

I didn’t find the draft, must have deleted it!
No problem, next test inchallah will i send

Thanks Ma7moud anyway :slight_smile:

has anyone submitted their answers yet?

can i do this quiz laaaaaaater, like very later, like later later… mn ba3d to the max?