On est encore au Q!
:^^::^^: [quote=flower hues]Quesadilla^^[/quote]
ça veut dire quoi au fait ?? :^^::^^:
ça veut dire quoi au fait ?? :^^::^^:[/quote]
crêpe de maïs fourrée de fromage^^
this is what you wanted to know?
I do hope so^^
I have looked for Qesadilla in google, and it looked to me like the Lebanese falafel. And now those pictures are just yummi! Is the yellow melting thing all cheese? But that had veggies in it too, right? [Maybe you can post a recipe in the cuisine forum ^^]. And the bread in the bottom looks sooo Moroccan! We call it rghayf.
This is making me hungry :hap:.
PS: Nice avatar and siggy :).
[quote=SimplyMoroccan]I have looked for Qesadilla in google, and it looked to me like the Lebanese falafel. And now those pictures are just yummi! Is the yellow melting thing all cheese? But that had veggies in it too, right? [Maybe you can post a recipe in the cuisine forum ^^]. And the bread in the bottom looks sooo Moroccan! We call it rghayf.
This is making me hungry :hap:.
PS: Nice avatar and siggy :).[/quote]
yes, now I remember buying the thin bread in Maroc^^
the bread itself tasted like a paper>.<
but very good with some stuffs like brochette and vegetables.
^^right. the yellow one is all cheese with vegetables.
we know this as a mexican food,
but as you told, ppl in the Middle East eat similar ones such as falafel, kebab.
yes, I feel hungry as well^.^
PS: thanks~^^
- Rice cake(is very nice as well^^)
Leeee! Show us recipes and pictures, not just names :hap:. There is a cuisine forum when you feel like doing that ;).
S… Sardines
[quote=SimplyMoroccan]Leeee! Show us recipes and pictures, not just names :hap:. There is a cuisine forum when you feel like doing that ;).
S… Sardines :D[/quote]
ok,ok. ^^
you will see my indiscriminate uploading messages someday soon. hehe
I can’t miss this!!!^^
Qoque In darija (some people type it 9o9) = Artichoke in English
Yassine, we are at U. :hap:
Oh it’s very quick here!
I can’t see anything starting with U. Sorry…
Ugli fruit
V egetables